So as it says in the title I lost my pregnancy in February at 14 weeks due to my water breaking early and the baby having less than a 1% chance of survival we were told our only option was to have a medical termination. I had tests and swabs done and when I went back for a 6 week check they told me the swabs had come back for Bv and that was the likely cause for my waters breaking and was given antibiotics I was shocked as I had no symptoms of any kind and was surprised to hear the doctor tell me that most women don't have symptoms. Fast forward last week and Me getting a bfp 2 days before my period was due and I've just done a self checker BV test at home this afternoon and it's come straight back positive for BV. I'll be heading to the doctors for antibiotics first thing tomorrow morning but I am going out of my mind here! I can't have history repeat itself I don't think I could go through all that again! Has anyone been in the same boat with a positive outcome I just want to take my baby home this time!
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