Hi ladies, sorry I've been missing in action!! Have been working so much lately. I have my first ultrasound exam on 12th Dec so cannot wait for it to be over ....it's physics!!!!!
Lw.....glad your tests went well!! I loved every second of being pregnant last time!?, I really missed it so much!! But this time I feel frumpy in my winter clothes etc!! I hope that passes and I enjoy it more
Helena,... Gorgeous bump as usual
Twin and tickle I'm loving your scan pics and I cannot believe how strong you girls are staying team yellow
Dream...hope you're ok, are you still sore? Will your cervix get worse?
MrsB....I'm sure you're delighted to get another scan.....I think it will be good for reassurance! Fingers crossed the dates are ok this time as I know you're anxious about it! I wouldn't be too concerned it baby measures a little behind as a millimetre can change dates at this early