I tested 3 days after my period was due and the test was negative. Yesterday, at 6 days late, it was a very faint positive. This morning it was a less faint, but still faint, positive. Any ideas why it would take so long to be positive?
Yes, I will call the doctor today to request bloodwork. From when we BD'ed it is possible that I ovulated quite a bit later than I thought. We were traveling last month so my bbt chart is all messed up and I can't pinpoint the day.
I didn't get a bfp until cd43 and I almost always have 31 day cycles. So my period was 12 days late and test was negative 5 days earlier, and my baby is perfectly healthy.
Called and chatted with the doctor today. She was not concerned about the faint positive at all. Especially since it got darker today. That makes me feel way better. Now I can start earlier. My cycle just must have been messed up this month? From traveling maybe? Praying all will be well and healthy for the next 9 months!
Yeah totally agree with your doctor. If your tests are getting darker, everything is probably on track. You may have just Oed later (traveling definitely affects your cycle), and baby may have implanted later.
Congratulations to you and a happy and healthy 9 months!
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