My digi was - this afternoon and my lightest test is my FRER so I don't think my levels are very high. I'll try again tomorrow night possibly with a digi.
I just did one more dip strip and it is darker than last night's dip strip but I also got a - on a CB digi. I very much hope the darkness of this IC is a ray of hope.
I think the problem is youre testing 1 hour apart Its not going to really do much for any type of line progression. Its clear that there is HCG in your urine, and you havent got AF just spotting, so from my perspective its all looking good (and very much like what I experienced).
I would say only compare tests 24 hours apart, because testing as often as you are is going to yield a mix of positive and negative tests because youre peeing so close together and drinking will impact this.
But I still think based on the tests, its looking good Id make an appointment with the doc and have some bloods drawn x
So my test this morning is about as + as it was for my first + and a bit darker than yesterday's FMU but still quite a bit lighter than my 1am test. I guess I just really test better at 1am lol. I find it crazy that the digi didn't pick anything up with such a dark line at 1am but I know they are not sensitive...maybe I will pick one up today that is the FRER brand and try it tonight...
I am still spotting and I finally had a BM after a few days of not having any...I ha to strain quite a bit (tmi) and afterwards I had a lot of dark red spotting. Not a flow but definitely the most spotting I have had. Of course I freaked out but it seems much lighter now so I am trying to relax. I hear a lot of spotting can be an ectopic so I have that on my mind...I am going to call the dr first thing tomorrow.
Here are my FRER for comparison...13DPO 1am and 14DPO 1am...I think the 14DPO test is a smidge darker but jusssst barely. I figure that since my period was due yesterday that maybe this spotting is breakthrough bleeding due to late implantation...I am pretty sure this bean implanted at 11DPO.
I think thats definitely progresion I didnt do my frer daily but I did them every 2 days, and yours look around what mine did.
The spotting getting heavier was probably just caused by the BM I cant speak for everyone, but I had an ectopic back in 2010 and my own personal experience was full on bleeding. It was just like a light period.
Spotting around the time AF is due is actually more common than I think we think. We are so programmed to think that any blood when getting a positive is automatically bad. I did it too with this one, and as you can see, beany is fine
I reckon youre having breakthrough from bean snuggling in. But the IC was defo positive no mistaking that!! I never got a reallllly strong line on a frer even when my beta levels were in the 100s
Ok guys I am waiting for a call from my OB the answering service actually put me through so I'm hoping she might give me some advice...I'll update as soon as I hear from her.
I was just looking again at your frers for the day period was due. I think its the same as mine.
This is my FRER progression over 48 hours. Top pic was 2 days before period due (can barely see it on the pic but it was there in flesh), and the bottom was the day my period was due. I think its comparable to yours
Thank you Sarah I just got off the phone with my OB and she wants me to come in first thing in the AM to get bloodwork for HCG and progesterone. She told me spotting is extremely normal and that she knows I'm scared but to try and just take it easy. My progesterone was 20.1 at 6DPO and she says it would be very uncommon for it to drop off enough from that level to cause low progesterone. I'm just panicking because of my chemical pregnancy...but she seemed to think the spotting is no big deal and she told me my levels will probably be reassuring. I really hope so.
I know its hard to shut off when youve had a loss. I had a chemical in my June cycle so when I fell pregnant again with this bubba in August I was convinced my bleeding was the same thing about to happen too Its all just natural! It is really amazing though how many women go through some degree of bleeding and go on with normal pregnancies.
Your period is late now, your tests are defo showing progression, and theres only spotting, no AF. Its all looking really good from where I am sitting! I know its gunna be a stressful few days ahead, but remember each pregnancy is different I would have thought that if this was a chemical youd have had negative tests by now and AF. And you dont have either of those!
Thank you so much for your reassurance It was interesting that my dr seemed to think that spotting is pretty normal but you don't hear much about it? Odd. Obviously if this bean wants to stick it will, and if not there is probably a good reason as to why. I am not going to really do anything until my bloodwork tomorrow...and I am NOT testing again until before bed, at around 12am. I am soooo early still only 4 weeks today that anything could happen at this point...I really just need to relax and wait for my appt tomorrow.
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