well as some of you know i got the scary news in regards to my Nt scan, i have a 1-190 odds of carrying a baby with downs syndrome..i have been crying for a week, and tomorrow is my appt with the genetic counslor, followed by a level III ultrasound, and then Amnio if necessary (please pray for my baby, I don't know if have the strength to hear bad news) i know my odds aren't as bad as some who have been thru this, but i guess i just don't beleve that their happy ending means i will have one, since we are all completely different people carrying different babies....i wish i never had the nt scan..good news is the baby looked good on my early scan, its my bloodwork that failed us...so we are taking a peak tomorrow to see if baby is ok...i may get the worse news of my life tomorrow, OR i may get the best nights sleep i have had in months...pray for us