Birth story....long.


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2008
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I know it is late,but i have been so tired.
Everything kicked off wed the 22nd,my due date. I had gone to bed about 1am and felt uncomfortable all night, kept getting up to pee and on my last run to the toilet i got into bed and within 3 minutes i thought sod this i cant sleep so i go to get up and water started going down my leg and as soon as i started walking i had a massive gush of water, as i walked to the toilet i said to hubby 'my water has broken' i never seen him move so quick! i sat on the toilet while he phoned delivery and she said 'it sounds like your water,call us when contractions start...little did i know they had i just didnt twig they were actually contractions, so i waited and i kept feeling 'uncomfortable' then they stopped by 10am then by 5pm they started again and became regular, about 5-7 minutes apart so i called and they said come in. When i went in though they checked and said ' your 2 cm dilated, but no water has broken, maybe it was urine' i wasnt happy because i had emptied my bladder so much and there was soooo much water and it was different, by the time i went home i was having contractions 2 minutes a part, i told the midwife and she said 'oh' they were lasting 50 seconds to a minute, but i was sent home.

they got stronger when i got home but about 4am they eased off but still came and by the morning (7am) they would stop. Went throughout the day trying to get some rest, but i couldnt sleep in bed because it would bring on contractions here and there and so i sat on my couch dozing. and by night fall...right on cue they started again, coming regular but not as bad as night before and they stopped around 7-8am. the day was the same, couldnt sleep properly and by night fall they were coming close, every 4-5 minutes but it felt like her head was pushing down on my pelvis, she would move,kick and push down then it would bring on a contraction and she would move at the same time, i was in pain but i was doing my hypnobirthing breathing and coping..i was in pain but coping, i called the hospital to see if it was normal and she asked me all the same q's and she said you need to come in but we are full ( lol ) so they sent me an ambulance and i was going to wigan. so at 1am i was in an ambulance and the contractions were getting stronger so the nice man gave me gas and air, i didnt use it all the time but it took the edge off, for which i was greatful! when i got there the midwife asked why i had gas and air, so she took it off me, so my contractions were getting stronger and closer and her head was tunneling its way, i had all the monitoring done and my contractions started to come every 10 minutes but still strong and her pushing on my pelvis. and at 4am they informed me my water isnt broke and i was 3 cm but they were keeping me in for a night, so she went off to do paper work for me being taken in and we waited till 6am and i finally asked the head midwife what time i was being seen by the doctor and she said 8am, and i said what is the point of my husband going home to bolton, spending loads on a taxi for him to come back in a couple of hours, which we did say to the other midwife but she had none of it. so she said let me have a chat and she came back and i could go home with hubby! so about 8am we were on our way home the contractions were settling and i was soo tired but couldnt sleep so i dozed on the couch. the day was the same as before by night though on sunday i was having contractions every 5-7 minutes but they were too strong and her head was pushing on my pelvis at the same time as contractions and i called saying i couldnt handle the pain, i was crying, she said get in the bath and call me in an hour, so i did that, and it helped...for 3 minutes then they were coming every 2 minutes and last a minute to a minute and ahalf, i kept asking 'how long have we left to phone....20 them now! and he had been the one pleading with me to call but with all the runaround we hd been given i was dubious. so i went in and i was 4 cms dilated, they gave me painkillers but said i could have gas and air, but i wanted to see how long i could last without that and since going in at 1am i lasted till 4am and then i went on gas and air!, i was checked and they finally said 'oh your waters had broken, so we are putting you on a drip and they gave me something to bring on my contractions because they were slowing as she always did in the morning,lol. i lasted on just gas and air till about 11am but then i needed diamorphine, it didnt take the pain away but i had gas and air and i lasted on that till about 2:30pm and i was 8cms when i had another shot and i had that till i started to push at 4:30pm and my daughter was born at 6:20 27th april! a week late.

she weighed in at 9lbs 3 oz! they said she was gonna be big but i thought nah! my official labour was 15 hrs but they hadnt for some reason detected my waters breaking and i went more than 3 days with them being broke. i wasnt happy but she was healthy! i tore and had loads of grazes and i had an episiotomy. I was soooo tired that i tried to have a shower couple of hours later after a nap and i almost fainted and i was dizzy so i went back to sleep...well colapsed actually. and i had stayed dizzy and ill and still do, i tried telling them and they said eat and i hadnt.

im a bit dubious about having another kid there, with all the problems. but she is safe and that is all i could have asked for.

sorry for it being long. still tired but not from her, she is an angel and sleeps well!:cloud9::happydance::hug:
Awwww... she's so cute!

The hospital staff sound like dicks! I hope you're going to complain!
awww, sounds quite traumatic, you poor thing, but your daughter is beautiful :) congratulations x
Oh shes a doll! Congrats! Sorry your labour was so long and complicated tho!
awww you poor thing - what a trouper you are!
congratulations on your gorgeous little lady!

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