So here is my birth experience from start to finish. I was expecting I would go into the hospital and they would give me the gel and send me home for a few hours or whatever.. Anyways I was very wrong about that. I had an induction scheduled yesterday at 9:30 a.m. I got to the hospital at 9:55 a.m. went to admitting n got sent up to the maternity ward from there. They hooked me up on the monitor and everything looked good. Around 10:30 a.m. the doctor checked my cervix, and I was already 3cm dilated 90% effaced without knowing a thing. My doctor broke my water right then and I was admitted to the ward straight away. From when she broke my water I felt so weird, it would not stop coming out which I know is normal but I jus cant describe how it felt, it kinda felt like I was non stop peeing myself for an hour! They had me walk around the maternity ward for 45mins tryin to get things goin. I still had not felt any contractions at all. At about 11:45 they put me on an iv, and at 12 noon they started me ob pitocin. After about 45 mins I was starting to feel the contractions. When they first started they werent too bad jus felt reaaally tight in my stomach! In the next hour my contractions started coming on really strong and fast. I was getting them every 2 to 3 minutes and they were lasting a minute to a minute and a half each one. At around 2 p.m. the doctor came in and check me again and said I was about 5 to 6 cm now. Although I did not plan on getting an epidural, at this point I decided to get one because I was progressing so fast and I couldnt relax. At around 2:20 the anasthethioligist came and gave me the epidural, it was soo hard to stay still during this because my contractions were so bad n I couldnt stop shaking. Once it started to kick in a bit I finally got the breathe and relax. But not for long! Half an hour after getting an epidural I felt so much pressure and pain I couldnt believe it at 3:15p.m. my doctor came in and checked me and I was fully dilated it was time to push!! A rush of emotions came over me and I started crying, my baby was about to be born. The nurse came in and at about 3:20 p.m. I started pushing. It took me a few pushes to start pushing properly and 2 real pushes later my baby was out! I dont know if its because of how fast I progressed or what but even with the epidural I still felt him comming out. Which I am kind of happy about since I wanted to experience childbirth with no medication at least I got to feel him be born. I did hurt alot when I was pushing his shoulders and head out but as soon as the baby is out and you hear that baby cry for the first time the pain goes away!
My baby boy is perfect I am soo in love with him!
Quinsy Lorenzo Bobb was born Saturday, March 30 2013, at 3:47p.m. weighing 7lb6oz and measuring 19.5 inches.
I had a small tear and needed to get 3 stitches which isnt too bad, it jus hurts when I go pee or whenever I sit down at first. But its all worth it for my son, I cant wait to do it all again!!
I am so happy to finally be a mommy! I will definately stick around the teen pregnancy forum tho because you girls are the best!!
My baby boy is perfect I am soo in love with him!
Quinsy Lorenzo Bobb was born Saturday, March 30 2013, at 3:47p.m. weighing 7lb6oz and measuring 19.5 inches.
I had a small tear and needed to get 3 stitches which isnt too bad, it jus hurts when I go pee or whenever I sit down at first. But its all worth it for my son, I cant wait to do it all again!!
I am so happy to finally be a mommy! I will definately stick around the teen pregnancy forum tho because you girls are the best!!