hope this helps
should work for any template

For this tutorial you will need:
PSP (I used 10, but any verison should work)
Animation Shop
A Tube
Blinkie Template
Open your blinkie template, duplicate (shift + D) and close the original.
Open your tube, duplicate (shift + D) and close the original.
Image>Resize - to fit in the template (approximately 70 pixels in height).
Adjust>Sharpness - as needed
Choose 2 colors from your tube - one light and one dark.
Open the Template image, Edit>Copy (make sure you have the template layer highlighted - not the credits layer)
File>New>Transparent image 300x300
Edit>Paste>Paste as new layer
**NOTE** If you would like to change the color of the blinkie outline from black to your darker color - open the template image, copy and paste into the new transparent image as new selection, flood fill the selection with your darker color - Selections>Select None
Select your Magic Wand tool with these settings
select the outer portion of the template
Flood fill with your dark color
Add any texture or noise effect you would like.
Selections>Select None
Select the Inner Box and the Small Squares with your Magic Wand tool (same settings as before)
Flood Fill with your light color
Selections>Select None
Open your resized tube, Edit>Copy
Open your blinkie
Edit>Paste as a new layer
Using the Mover Tool, reposition your tube
Add any Text and effects you would like.
Layers>Add a new raster layer and apply your watermark.
Layers>Merge>Merge Visible
At this point you may want to crop the image around the frame.
Layers>Duplicate (the number of layers depends on the number of squares you will have blinking - as this template has 4 squares on each side - you will need a total of 4 layers)
In the layer palette, close off the visibility of all the layers (click the eye to close the layer), except the top layer.
Select the top left square and the bottom right square with your Magic Wand tool (same settings as before)
Flood fill with your dark color
Selections>Select None
Close this layer and open and highlight the next layer.
Select the next square down on the left and the next square up on the right.
Repeat the above steps, until all the small squares have been filled with the dark color.
Open the visibility on all the layers and highlight the top layer
Save this image as a PSP Animation Shop image or as a PSP compatible image.
Launch Animation Shop and open your image.
View the animation and if it is to your liking, save with the gif optimizer.
**NOTE** If you would like to increase or decrease the blinking
Edit>Select All
Animation>Frame Properties and change the frame speed
Most blinkies look best at the default speed of 10
edit:- mine made this btw
