Blood pressure

Aug 16, 2010
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Anyone else deal with high/borderline high bp early on in pregnancy? My normal bp is around 115/75. Tuesday it was 128/88 . I have headaches that lasts for days and won't respond to medicine. I've been adding extra fluids to my diet trying to make sure it's not dehydration. I don't eat a high sodium diet because my mom has chronic hypertension so I try to not over do my sodium. I try sticking with mainly proteins, occasional sweet treat, and have cut back my caffeine intake (cup of coffee every few days). I'm curious if anyone else had this and it eventually went away? Or did it progress to pre-e or gestational hypertension? The nurse isn't worried yet but said we have to keep an eye on it.
And I didn't have a headache when the nurse checked my bp (my friend has already reminded me that being in pain can give a high bp reading).
Hi, I have had borderline high bp all through pregnancy and before too. At 11 weeks I went to the ER with a bp of 157/93 and they put me on Labetalol 200mg twice daily, which my doctor continued and I'm also seeing a prenatal specialist who put me on 81mg baby aspirin. My reading is usually 125-130 over 75-80 with taking the medicine, before I started taking meds it was usually about 130-140s over 75-85's which is prehypertension. It has been creeping up to the 130s over 75-80s in this last week, but hopefully that was due to being out of town and on vacation.
I would say try to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water daily, mild exercise helps to maybe walking or prenatal yoga/pilates and try to take it easy, if your doc is not concerned than neither should you be. Also, I recommend getting a home bp cuff and recording your bp at least twice a day. The good thing is that they will be monitoring you extra close and can prescribe pregnancy safe medications if they need to. Good luck!
Thanks for your reply :) I normally wouldn't be worried, but with my pre-pregnancy bp being normal, this is not usual for me. And haven't had this with my other pregnancies! I've been thinking about starting some prenatal yoga since I know I don't get to be as active as I should be (even with three kids at home) :dohh: I think since I wasn't expecting my bp to be borderline it kind of threw me off. Just crossing my fingers it doesn't go up anymore :coffee:
Maybe it was a one off thing. All you can do is take care of yourself, and take heart in the fact that your doc is looking out for you.
i called into my doc's office this morning to see if i could walk in for a bp check since i was feeling funny (headache, nauseous, brain fog). bp was 130/90. he prescribed me bp meds and wants to see me weekly.
Yes, that bottom number is abit high. I saw my specialist today and she said that with pregnancy your blood pressure goes up a little anyway but anything below 140/90 is okay for me, but that may be just me because it was highish already. What are they having you take?
yeah, he said since it's continuing to go up that it's not a good sign. he prescribed Methyldopa (aldomet) 250 mg once daily. he said my urine didn't have protein in it so he's just diagnosing it as chronic high blood pressure and hopefully catching it early will stop it from becoming pre-e.
My high blood pressure never changed to pre e. I was monitored twice a week with blood & urine tests. I was put on labetalol from 30 weeks. I think my blood pressure could have been made worse by stress going into hospital all the time as my readings were always better at home. I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension x
My blood pressure was higher earlier in this pregnancy, around 130/90. After I started taking baby aspirin daily around 12 weeks, it went way down. It's usually right around 120/80 now, sometimes lower.
high bp in preg is reading of 140/90 an above. i had bad headaches early both my prev pregs now preg no 3. My bp was fine whole first preg until labour where developed severe pre e. I was given meds frm consultant both pregs as parcetmol dosent work on me. My second preg my bookin in bp was high still frm first preg settled 10wks then started rise 17weeks an put meds 32 weeks. I know some ppl say a high bp is if its 10+/5+ higher than your norm dunno if this wuld give hedache hun as they are also common preg thing too. Both your bp readings are norm. Am obsessed bp due my history when prego lol you can reduce salt intake by redusing takeaway foods ie frozen meals etc.i was told am border high after had my second. So far had no headaches really this preg or ones tht are nothing too me, my bp also seems fine.
just read comments border high bp is 130+/80+ i ended up 2 weekly monitorings an weekly bloods my second preg lookin for pre e , luckly meds kept bp below hogh in labour cant mind if i was 3 times day or 2. I was higher risk anyways due first labour bp of 170+/110+. On meds i was under 140/90 which is high bp so i was border with 130s/90s. I believe they shuld take into acount your nor an be concerend by 10+/5+ above tht. My mw presumed second preg tht my readins of 140-145-90-95, or high 130s/80s was norm as my bookin bp was this but i myself knew it settled 10wks an slowly started rise 17weeks til medicated 32wks an low dose asprin givin 34wks. Luckly bps fine this preg but i am classed high risk so monitored closly. Earlyier catch better i went full term first born 39+5wks an second 39+6. Small bubs both under 7ib.
since i started my meds, my headaches have reduced drastically! i've been monitoring my bp at home and the top number has improved, but my lower (diastolic) is still in the pre-hypertension/hypertension stage. and my pulse has increased as well since starting it. some of my home readings are giving me 125/85-95. i still get some headaches here and there but they dont last as long and aren't keeping me from being able to function.
I'd let your doctor know, if I remember correctly the bottom number is the one they worry about most. My blood pressure was borderline 130s/80s for most of my pregnancy, but I also have very bad white coat syndrome. It skyrocketed over the weekend I turned 33 weeks and I ended up with severe pre-e and a delivery at 33+5.
Tonight's bp is 133/87. There looks to be protein in my urine and possible uti :(
I had high blood pressure in both pregnancies, it went back down after deliveries. I had a pregnancy go to 12 weeks 2 years ago and my blood pressure did not come down after that so I have been on methyldopa 250 four times per day. I've just found out I am pregnant and hoping it will be easy to control this time because My blood pressure is stable with meds :)
my bp takes while to settle after preg. 3months after my son(1st preg) i fell preg wi not an bp was 140s/90s but did settle by 10wks preg then gradul rise frm 17wks. My urine with no 2 was norm sent labs if i had + proteien etc always came bk ok. So far this preg no3 bps fine 110-125/60-70s. I have home machine(bad i no) an have got really high readind odd times havent told mw etc as there readings are fine an i dnt have severe headaches like i did prev 2 pregs. When say high i mean 145/125. Got afew with lower reading over 100 6 in total since 13+2 wks am now 24+5. Its only 1 high readin an then when retake 5mins later its fine so took them as false reading. Once i had 2 in row (137/101 p:70, 142/123 p:81,109/69 p:79,112/67 p:79) 5mins between each reading. an yea the one wasth is bottom num. Dunno y but top should fluctuate etc. Some one told me pee before gettin bp takin as reduces reading.
Just a note, blood pressure should always be taken seated, with your arm at heart level, after resting for several minutes. Not talking, etc. Wait 30 minutes after you eat, and pee first. You blood pressure changes A LOT during the day, things like eating, smoking, exercising, and even talking can make it rise significantly. Even having a full bladder or having your arm too high or too low can skew the results.

That is probably how you got such wonky readings at home that went down soon after. You should also take it 3 times, with at least a minute or two between each time, and average the numbers.

I think princessatmey said the same thing about urinating first, but I'm sorry I did find you post a bit hard to read! :flower:
I have a home blood pressure machine as well :) I've been told to take it in the morning after I get up and shower etc so I usually do it right after breakfast. Take it once then take it again and discard the first number. Repeat in the early evening and that's how I've been asked to do it but every doctor is different.

Also he said he wanted to see a change over days rather then a blood pressure here and there that was raised.
mines are when siting. I was takin it at home due feeling weird earlier in preg. Yea when my gp wants me do home readings its 2 in mornin an 2 at night. Most mine are between 105-120/55-75. I tend do 3 readings an 4 if ones little high. I leave about 2-5minutes between readings.

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