Like everyone says dont worry too much it definately does take time for hte body to go back to normal. Furhter sometimes missing
can be something a simpel as a little hormone imbalance and nothng major so even tho its hard try not to worry to much as most of the time its worrying for nothing......tis easy to blow things right out of proportion when your lied there in bed on a night unable to sleep worrying about the what if's 
Had my scan, cycts still there but follicle developing on right, all bloods came back sound as FSH 6.5, so i think that was fine or so nurse said it was.
Posted a topic about womb lining on here as the nurse said my lining is on the thin side and now she wants me to go back on sat morning!!! So much for the bloody lie in, i hope this baby appreciates my sat morning lie in sacrafice when it does finally arrive or i will be sending it straight back
I will keep an eye on this thread but message me when you get you scan date (or even the
) so i can cross everything possible for you!!!

Had my scan, cycts still there but follicle developing on right, all bloods came back sound as FSH 6.5, so i think that was fine or so nurse said it was.
Posted a topic about womb lining on here as the nurse said my lining is on the thin side and now she wants me to go back on sat morning!!! So much for the bloody lie in, i hope this baby appreciates my sat morning lie in sacrafice when it does finally arrive or i will be sending it straight back

I will keep an eye on this thread but message me when you get you scan date (or even the