I had my NT scan today. When it came to the bloodwork, I was given choice as to where to get the lab results from. A local company, and one in New York. Both were covered by my insurance in roughly the same amount so cost wasn't a big factor. Would just take longer to get the results from the lab that was further away, since they have to mail them.
The NY lab, whose name I was given, but don't remember supposedly has a higher than average accuracy rating for trisonmy 18, about 95%. Both labs have about the same accuracy rating for DS. At least according to my Dr.
Has anyone been given such a choice? I'm not sure how the detection Levels would vary in different labs, since they should be looking for the same things I would hope. I opted for the lab with the better rating, and now I'm anxiously waiting. They wouldn't give me my measurements today without the blood work, but I looked at the monitor and they were 1.6
The NY lab, whose name I was given, but don't remember supposedly has a higher than average accuracy rating for trisonmy 18, about 95%. Both labs have about the same accuracy rating for DS. At least according to my Dr.
Has anyone been given such a choice? I'm not sure how the detection Levels would vary in different labs, since they should be looking for the same things I would hope. I opted for the lab with the better rating, and now I'm anxiously waiting. They wouldn't give me my measurements today without the blood work, but I looked at the monitor and they were 1.6