~~*BnB Exercise Journal*~~


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2009
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Figured I would do my own exercise journal. I have one that I write in, but I'd like to keep track here too and hopefully other girls can join in.

I train using kettlebells. For those who don`t know what that is, here is (pregnant) Yoana Snideman demonstrating!


Jan 1, 2010
Warmup: 5 min rowing machine
Kettlebell Clean: 8kg x 3 x 10 (each side)
Kettlebell Press: 8kg x 1 x 10 (each side)
Windmill: (bodyweight) 3 x 3 (each side)
Kettlebell High Pull: 8kg x 3 x 10 (each side)
Kettlebell Snatch: 8kg x 3 x 10 (each side)

Jan 2, 2010
5km walk

Jan 3, 2010
5km walk

Jan 4, 2010

Jan 5, 2010
Warmup: 5km walk
Kettlebell Swing: 8kg x 10, 12kg x 2 x 10
Kettlebell Clean: 8kg x 3 x 10 (each side)
Kettlebell Press: 8kg x 3 x 6 (each side)
Windmill: (bodyweight) 3 x 3 (each side)
Kettlebell High Pull: 8kg x 3 x 10 (each side)
Squat: 3 x 10

Jan 6, 2010
5km walk
Good afternoon ladies :)

Jan 8, 2010

1 hour stretch DVD - P90x "Stretch X"
This DVD is *not* designed for pregnant women, but I was able to skip the parts that required me to lay flat on my back (or modify them).

If you are curious:

Some meals I love:

Protein shake (1 scoop BSN lean dessert banana nut protein powder, 1 tbsp natural peanut butter, 1 cup milk, 1 whole banana), blended

Salad (6 cups.. yes 6... of raw spinach, up to 3-4tbsp of yogurt ranch (my fat content), 1 tin of tuna (once per 2 weeks) or 1 chicken breast, and 1/2 cup plain beans)

1 cup cooked oats with 1 scoop BSN lean dessert cinnamon roll protein powder
I should intro to this thread.

As you can tell from my ticker, I am still pregnant. I am just over 19 weeks with my first. I know most women here are trying to lose baby weight, but my current goal is to maintain a fit, active lifestyle during my pregnancy.

A bit about myself- I used to be overweight, and a bit of a fast food addict. In 2003 or 2004, I had enough, and decided to kick that habit and get into exercise. Now, I'm addicted to healthy food and exercise.

My OH and I are both weightlifters, we met based on that and have been together ever since, leading active lifestyles.

Here's a couple of my before pictures along with my new baby bump


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Jan 9, 2010 - OFF

Jan 10, 2010
Warmup: 5 min row
Kettlebell Swing: 8kg x 10, 12kg x 2 x 10
Kettlebell Clean: 8kg x 3 x 10 (each side)
Kettlebell Press: 8kg x 3 x 6 (each side)
Windmill: (bodyweight) 3 x 3 (each side)
Kettlebell High Pull: 8kg x 3 x 10 (each side)
Squat: 3 x 10
Jan 11, 2010

5.5km walk with puppy :)

On a side note, my nutrition has gone downhill today. Badly! Preggo freakout!

McD's (1 egg mcmuffin, 1 hashbrown, 1/2 of OH's hashbrown, 1 small carton 1% milk)
Coffee (1 tbsp fat-free cream, 1 tsp brown sugar)

1.5 cup white pasta(!) with a couple of buffalo meat chunks (leftovers) and some hot sauce, about .5oz of 1/2 fat cheddar

EEK! Where's my veggies?

Dinner will be a snapper filet with lemon juice/olive oil, 1 cup steamed broccoli, 1/2 cup yams...
Morning ladies (or afternoon, evening? :thumbup:)

Jan 12, 2010

4km walk (830-915am)

I'll being doing a weights workout this afternoon on my work break:

Squat 3x5
Bench 3x5
Deadlift 1x5

On a side note, today's breakfast was yuuuuuuuuumy. I loved yesterday's egg mcmuffin, but I shouldn't be eating that!

Here was today's sub:

1 whole wheat english muffin
1 tsp margarine
1 oz half-fat aged cheddar
80g deli ham (microwaved to steaming with the cheddar)
1 whole egg (microwaved into a circle shape)

Perfect egg mcmuffin :haha: with a banana and cup of milk :thumbup:
Well, my French class was cancelled due to lack of enrollment. I'm pretty disappointed (OH, baby, and I are moving to Quebec in less than 6 months and my French isn't great), so I think I'm going to sign up for a prenatal fitness class that was running at the same time.

It's called "Fit 4 Two Prenatal Fitness", I hope to meet some other pregnant girls there! I don't have any pregnant friends, except one who now has 2 week old newborn (and I hardly think she's in the mood for a good gym stint right now!)

I never got to my workout yesterday, my break didn't work out. I'll be doing that weights workout this afternoon and going to the fitness class tonight. :thumbup:
Loving your journal hun, and way to go keeping fit in pregnancy :thumbup:

I've never tried kettle weights before, but they look quite good.

What weight are you lifting?

I'm hoping to get into lifting soon (have a PT session booked tomorrow), but know nothing about it atm. I posted 'before' and 'during' pics in the big weightloss thread, so I feel now I've lost enough weight to start lifting (while keeping up my cardio). How long was it before you started seeing results? How are you finding it now your PG?

Best of luck with the journal :)
Loving your journal hun, and way to go keeping fit in pregnancy :thumbup:

I've never tried kettle weights before, but they look quite good.

What weight are you lifting?

I'm hoping to get into lifting soon (have a PT session booked tomorrow), but know nothing about it atm. I posted 'before' and 'during' pics in the big weightloss thread, so I feel now I've lost enough weight to start lifting (while keeping up my cardio). How long was it before you started seeing results? How are you finding it now your PG?

Best of luck with the journal :)

Hey I have a reader :happydance:

I'm using the 8kg kettlebell, which is the lowest weight. I could probably use more (the next is 12kg) but since I'm still pregnant I stick with a lower one. The weight is not so much the killer, but the speed and explosion. I was doing my deadlifts at 200lbs and squats at 120lbs, so believe me when I say 8kg with explosive movements is really enough!!! LOL!

Congrats for the weight loss! I used to go to a PT as well, but I was quite skinny at the time.

Results? Hmmm :) Well, building muscle takes a very, VERY long time for women, maybe 5lbs per year if you work very hard and eat above your maintenance calories. However, you will find that you will become stronger, and that's what really matters. I think 2-4 months is a good time to start seeing results. A lot of people fall off the wagon because they are impatient. If you stick with it, you will be happy in the end.

Warning, weight lifting is ADDICTIVE!!! There's a couple of lifts I can't do now because of the pregnancy (200lb deadlifts could cause placenta rupture, I've heard!), and certain movements such as power cleans or pushups are impossible because of the belly. I think strength is most important, even above weight. With strength and power come fitness and a good weight. I wish more girls saw the light!

Let me know how your session goes! :) :) :)
Loving your journal hun, and way to go keeping fit in pregnancy :thumbup:

I've never tried kettle weights before, but they look quite good.

What weight are you lifting?

I'm hoping to get into lifting soon (have a PT session booked tomorrow), but know nothing about it atm. I posted 'before' and 'during' pics in the big weightloss thread, so I feel now I've lost enough weight to start lifting (while keeping up my cardio). How long was it before you started seeing results? How are you finding it now your PG?

Best of luck with the journal :)

Hey I have a reader :happydance:

I'm using the 8kg kettlebell, which is the lowest weight. I could probably use more (the next is 12kg) but since I'm still pregnant I stick with a lower one. The weight is not so much the killer, but the speed and explosion. I was doing my deadlifts at 200lbs and squats at 120lbs, so believe me when I say 8kg with explosive movements is really enough!!! LOL!

Congrats for the weight loss! I used to go to a PT as well, but I was quite skinny at the time.

Results? Hmmm :) Well, building muscle takes a very, VERY long time for women, maybe 5lbs per year if you work very hard and eat above your maintenance calories. However, you will find that you will become stronger, and that's what really matters. I think 2-4 months is a good time to start seeing results. A lot of people fall off the wagon because they are impatient. If you stick with it, you will be happy in the end.

Warning, weight lifting is ADDICTIVE!!! There's a couple of lifts I can't do now because of the pregnancy (200lb deadlifts could cause placenta rupture, I've heard!), and certain movements such as power cleans or pushups are impossible because of the belly. I think strength is most important, even above weight. With strength and power come fitness and a good weight. I wish more girls saw the light!

Let me know how your session goes! :) :) :)

I've been reading since you started, but only just posted :blush: :lol:

200lbs deadlifts is bloody impressive! Well done! :thumbup:

I think a PT will just get me going, until I'm happy on my own. I still plan to cardio 3 days a week, and then hopefully lift/resistance 3 days. I need an overall level of fitness for my Army Reserves training. I can't wait to be really fit though. Want to give the guys a run for their money ;)

I've heard lifting is addictive too, and I already can't wait :happydance:

I guess a lot of girls don't want to do it, as they are scared of being really muscly and manly, but a lot don't realise it doesn't happen like that for women. I can't wait to have muscle on me, and be more toned and healthy.

I have an inspiration picture from a PT website, I'll find the link and post it up.
Loving your journal hun, and way to go keeping fit in pregnancy :thumbup:

I've never tried kettle weights before, but they look quite good.

What weight are you lifting?

I'm hoping to get into lifting soon (have a PT session booked tomorrow), but know nothing about it atm. I posted 'before' and 'during' pics in the big weightloss thread, so I feel now I've lost enough weight to start lifting (while keeping up my cardio). How long was it before you started seeing results? How are you finding it now your PG?

Best of luck with the journal :)

Hey I have a reader :happydance:

I'm using the 8kg kettlebell, which is the lowest weight. I could probably use more (the next is 12kg) but since I'm still pregnant I stick with a lower one. The weight is not so much the killer, but the speed and explosion. I was doing my deadlifts at 200lbs and squats at 120lbs, so believe me when I say 8kg with explosive movements is really enough!!! LOL!

Congrats for the weight loss! I used to go to a PT as well, but I was quite skinny at the time.

Results? Hmmm :) Well, building muscle takes a very, VERY long time for women, maybe 5lbs per year if you work very hard and eat above your maintenance calories. However, you will find that you will become stronger, and that's what really matters. I think 2-4 months is a good time to start seeing results. A lot of people fall off the wagon because they are impatient. If you stick with it, you will be happy in the end.

Warning, weight lifting is ADDICTIVE!!! There's a couple of lifts I can't do now because of the pregnancy (200lb deadlifts could cause placenta rupture, I've heard!), and certain movements such as power cleans or pushups are impossible because of the belly. I think strength is most important, even above weight. With strength and power come fitness and a good weight. I wish more girls saw the light!

Let me know how your session goes! :) :) :)

I've been reading since you started, but only just posted :blush: :lol:

200lbs deadlifts is bloody impressive! Well done! :thumbup:

I think a PT will just get me going, until I'm happy on my own. I still plan to cardio 3 days a week, and then hopefully lift/resistance 3 days. I need an overall level of fitness for my Army Reserves training. I can't wait to be really fit though. Want to give the guys a run for their money ;)

I've heard lifting is addictive too, and I already can't wait :happydance:

I guess a lot of girls don't want to do it, as they are scared of being really muscly and manly, but a lot don't realise it doesn't happen like that for women. I can't wait to have muscle on me, and be more toned and healthy.

I have an inspiration picture from a PT website, I'll find the link and post it up.

Hey thanks :) Sounds like you will have a good time! Hmmm Army Reserves training, sounds an awful lot like my police fitness exam training! :haha: Pushups, sprints, pullups, and all that fun stuff :happydance: Keep your mind to it and you'll do fantastic :)

Haha yes they think they will be muscly and manly. It's too bad most women don't realize it takes female bodybuilders at least 10 years of solid training and sometimes growth hormones to achieve that, plus 10-20 weeks of dieting to be on stage.
Today's workout:

Warmup: 5 minute treadmill hike (15 incline, 3.0mph)


Warmup: bodyweight 5 x 2, 8kg x 5 x 2 (kettlebell), 12kg x 5 x 1 (kettlebell)
Working set: 46lbs x 5 x 5 x 5

Bench Press:
Warmup: 10lbs x 5 x 2, 20lbs x 5 x 2, 30lbs x 5
Working set: 55lbs x 5 x 5 x 5

Barbell Row:
Warmup: 45lbs x 5 x 2
Working set: 55lbs x 5 x 5 x 5

Light workout but feels good to get something in!
How's it going hun :) Any updates over the last couple of days?

I had my PT session. LOVED it! :happydance: Can't do the gym tonight though, as I have a lot of work to catch up on.
How's it going hun :) Any updates over the last couple of days?

I had my PT session. LOVED it! :happydance: Can't do the gym tonight though, as I have a lot of work to catch up on.

Hey fantastic! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!!

Jan 14,15- OFF

Jan 16, 2010 - LIGHT weights
Squats 20lbs x 5 x 2, 30lbs x 5 x 1, 45lbs x 3, 55lbs x 2
Working sets: 75lbs x 5 x 5 x 5

Press 10lbs x 5 x 2, 20lbs x 5 x 1, 30lbs x 3, 35lbs x 2
Working sets: 45lbs x 5 x 5 x 5

Barbell Row 25lbs x 5 x 2, 35lbs x 5 x 1, 45lbs x 3, 55lbs x 2
Working sets: 60lbs x 5 x 5 x 5
Jan 17,2010

7km trail hike (hills!) with OH and dog (90 minutes)
Must have been lovely to get out with the dog for a long hike :thumbup:
Another thread follower here too!!!!:flower:
I started a healthy/ clean eating plan about 5 months ago and working out with my personal trainer 3 times a week, plus cardio 2-3 times a week. Apart from shedding 3 stone, I have never felt so healthy, full of energy..... and just simply great. I am addicted to the gym and feel if more people tried it and stuck with it, then unhealthy fad diets would be a thing of the past.

Keep it up ladies, you're an inspiration!
3 stone, that's amazing hun! Well done! That's about 8lbs a month, and I bet you feel amazing now too!

I'm addicted to the gym too. I don't know anyone who's stuck with it for a few weeks who isn't. The high you get afterwards is brilliant.
Must have been lovely to get out with the dog for a long hike :thumbup:

Thanks! :) It was pretty lovely! It's sunny and 10C here so it's great hiking weather. The puppy loves it too, of course! I'm still looking for a good hiking backpack that OH can carry the baby in, with a jogging stroller that is meant for mountain trails :haha:
Another thread follower here too!!!!:flower:
I started a healthy/ clean eating plan about 5 months ago and working out with my personal trainer 3 times a week, plus cardio 2-3 times a week. Apart from shedding 3 stone, I have never felt so healthy, full of energy..... and just simply great. I am addicted to the gym and feel if more people tried it and stuck with it, then unhealthy fad diets would be a thing of the past.

Keep it up ladies, you're an inspiration!

Thatnks Popeteer, I can imagine you feel great now!! You ladies are all inspiration :) :happydance:

Jan 18, 2010 - LIGHT
3.5km walk with dog

Jan 19, 2010 - MEDIUM
Squats 20lbs x 5 x 2, 30lbs x 5 x 1, 45lbs x 3, 55lbs x 2
Working sets: 80lbs x 5 x 5 x 5

Press 10lbs x 5 x 2, 20lbs x 5 x 1, 30lbs x 3, 35lbs x 2
Working sets: 47.5lbs x 5 x 5 x 5

Barbell Row 25lbs x 5 x 2, 35lbs x 5 x 1, 45lbs x 3, 55lbs x 2
Working sets: 65lbs x 5 x 5 x 5

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