

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2009
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My 13 month old baby girl is so hard to amuse, we try everything i am so exhausted.
we spend our days outside in the pool playing in the yard and she still spends so much time showing signs of boredom i just cant keep up i cant even get my house hold jobs done because she sits at my feet and cries.
i am just totally lost for ideas any suggestions would be awesome

Emma went through a stage like this too. I do think that she was bored. We started by changing the routine, taking more walks, heading to the park. We also got some more challenging toys and new things like play food/ different blocks. Is your daughter walking/ mobile? Is it possible that she is a bit frustrated also if she is trying to walk but not quite managing it? Emma was almost 15 months when she was walking and this helped steady out her mood a bit- she was quite frustrated clearly that she was not able to get about yet!

Hope things get better soon!
we recently split lyssa's toys in half, and started swapping the 2 groups of toys alternately every friday, she's much happier with the variety and will play for much longer x
I take Omar out everyday. We go out for a walk in the afternoon before his naptime, then we go to a play area or a mall for a walk in the evening. He gets soo bored & whiney after his nap.
we recently split lyssa's toys in half, and started swapping the 2 groups of toys alternately every friday, she's much happier with the variety and will play for much longer x

Sorry to crash but this is a great Idea! I will be adopting this with immediate effect! lol

Earl gets bored quite easily and I tend to get him involved in what I'm doing rather than try to entertain him persay. If I'm doing housework I put on music and we dance or he chases the vacuum around. if i'm doing washing up we'll get out some pans and wooden spoons and he'll make a racket! lol I must admit that 2 things - it's hard work to keep up with him, and it's gotten easier since he began to talk and let me know if he's hungry, bored, wants to play, is in pain, everything like that. He's not particularly verbal yet, but he's a lot better at expressing himself.

Hope things improve soon. :hugs:
we recently split lyssa's toys in half, and started swapping the 2 groups of toys alternately every friday, she's much happier with the variety and will play for much longer x

Sorry to crash but this is a great Idea! I will be adopting this with immediate effect! lol

we found it worked really quickly.
we literally paired up all her big toys, and she has one of each pair down here. the other is on the other week, and they divided what was in her toybox into two piles.

currently dowstair she has half a full toy box. a toy cot and doll, a garage and cars, a toy farm, a musical chair and a rocking horse.

we switch on friday when she'll get, the other hlf of her toy box, her mega bloks, her other garage, a happy land castle, her musicl instruments and her bounce and spin zebra

(wow she has a lot of toys looking at that!!!)

the only toy that stays down permamently is her toy kitchen- but we even switch the food that's with that!
Yes switching toys always works for kids who are bored. I always did it with daycare kids & havent done as good of job w/ Megan though. (We get busy & I forget!) W/ daycare we had a certain box of musical instruments that would only come out once a week - it never got old & kids were excited about it. If they were available all the time then they could have cared less. We had a dress-up box - again about 1ce a week. With the older kids switching up things like barbies, mr. potato heads, legos, etc.

W/ Megan we try to alternate which toys are upstairs or downstairs (she is typically upstairs in the main part of the house) or put some in her closet which she doesnt have access to. This also works for books too - we visit the library and get new books too.
Some libraries have "library kits" which are big tubs of books, toys, craft ideas, etc. If any of you have access to these - they are soooo good! They have a theme (so bears, food, frogs, etc) Each has books only on that theme - and then will have puzzles, puppets, etc, & then craft books or papers that you can copy for coloring or little rhymes,etc. The nice thing is that its constantly something new - and the kids really look forward to it! Some are only for 2 years and up - but sometimes they have things that were ok for 1 year olds. (like hats kit - was great - lots of hats to wear).
Other ideas for bored toddlers - switch up your routine - have a playdate or get out of the house for a while. Put on some music & dance. Wear a silly hat or something really noticeable that your toddler will notice & think is funny.

I have found that with Megan if she is bored that spending 10-15 minutes w/ her before I get my stuff done works better than just letting her whine & be bored. Chasing (I'm gonna get ya!) or tickling. Singing songs or where's your nose? She is then more content to keep herself entertained right afterwards so I can get a few things done.

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