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bowel issues!!


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
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anyone else?? Its just horrendous. I wake up at 6am every morning with awful stomach cramps - sit on the toilet for 20 mins feeling constipated but then have diarohea!! Some mornings it makes me cry its so uncomfortable and makes me feel sick!! anyone else???


Ever since BFP (I am now 14+2) I have had this - always in the morning and a lot of the time throughout the day too - to be honest, I never know from one day to the next how I am going to be but it's always very very loose and sometimes water basically!

Between weeks 4-8 were the worst in terms of a rush every morning and it woke me up at silly o clock - now it's still in the morning but also throughout day too. What I eat makes absolutely no difference.

How far gone are you?

You will read a lot about constipation but this too is another symptom - I did a lot of research and read a lot of forums and still suffering now!

I am now having an actimel drink every morn and take my vitamins (pregnacare) last thing at night so on a really full tummy but to be honest hasn't helped that much!

Good luck but at least you know it's normal - I 100% feel your pain. I now have horrendous gas and gurgling in tummy too!! XX
Was actually gonna.post the exact same post. I awake everday at about 6 am with horrendous stomach cramps. Sit on the toilet and literally all my insides fall out!! Been like thia every mornig for about 2 weeks x
I take pregnacare and im starting to think it may be them. They caused my sister to have diarrhea. But I take pregnacare about 8 am after I have been the toilet so maybe not
Was actually gonna.post the exact same post. I awake everday at about 6 am with horrendous stomach cramps. Sit on the toilet and literally all my insides fall out!! Been like thia every mornig for about 2 weeks x

Totally normal - wish I could tell you that it will get better but I am still suffering - although it's more on and off but never quite right - just very very loose!!!! Sorry TMI!

It's basically another form of morning sickness, as long as your are taking your vitamins/folic acid baby is getting everything it needs so don't worry just ensure you drink loads of water and stay well hydrated!!

I joke with my friends that I would love a formed poo!!!

Also, don't be alarmed if you end up going more often through pregnancy - some people get constipated, others end up very very frequent. I can go 3-4 times a day - twice a day was normal for me before. xx
aww thank you all for your replies. I think I am between 6 - 7 weeks but I am going for a dating scan tomorrow to find out.

I have now been 4 times since 6 am (maybe TMI) but each time I have to strain and strain but what comes out is literally like water. (again sorry too much info) and my stomach is cramping so much!! Along with this I have a terrible feeling of nausea!!

Actimel is a good idea I will have to go buy some today - and fruit and water?? any other things that have helped?

I take a folic acid vitamin and an omega fish oil capsule (not sure what brand think its seven seas) could this be causing it??
aww thank you all for your replies. I think I am between 6 - 7 weeks but I am going for a dating scan tomorrow to find out.

I have now been 4 times since 6 am (maybe TMI) but each time I have to strain and strain but what comes out is literally like water. (again sorry too much info) and my stomach is cramping so much!! Along with this I have a terrible feeling of nausea!!

Actimel is a good idea I will have to go buy some today - and fruit and water?? any other things that have helped?

I take a folic acid vitamin and an omega fish oil capsule (not sure what brand think its seven seas) could this be causing it??

Honestly, you sound just like me! It's really normal - I felt sick too but it all came out the other end! It's a form of morning sickness!

I would steer clear of fruit and too much veg - although you do need goodness but for a couple of days try and eat banana, bagels, scrambled eggs etc - just plain ish food. Not that it makes much difference to me.

I don't think vits will be causing it - I took mine while TTC and was fine until I became pregnant - it's just the crazy hormones!! Just make sure you take them at night on full tummy :)

I take pregnacare and im starting to think it may be them. They caused my sister to have diarrhea. But I take pregnacare about 8 am after I have been the toilet so maybe not

If you are taking them at 8am after going to the loo maybe you don't have a full enough tummy, swap to take them last thing at night. I was fine with pregnacare while TTC then it became bad once pregnant so think it's just a symptom of preg rather than the vits. It does say to take them with your main meal so I would say you defo haven't eaten enough by then x
When you're pregnant, your digestive system pretty much stop/slows down.

I suffered from constipation for a long time. I also had cramping symptoms. It went a way, and finally got a big dump by eating a lot of cashews. I was like, holy smoly! Felt so awesome. ;)

I would suggest to eat bananas, cashews, or anything that's high in fiber/protein.
For severe constipation - colace. Talk to your doc/midwife to get their recommendation of a stool softener. This digestive system symptom pretty much doesn't go away the entire pregnancy (at least I was told).

I agree, eat plain/bland foods for a while to help with stomach cramping.
When you're pregnant, your digestive system pretty much stop/slows down.

I suffered from constipation for a long time. I also had cramping symptoms. It went a way, and finally got a big dump by eating a lot of cashews. I was like, holy smoly! Felt so awesome. ;)

I would suggest to eat bananas, cashews, or anything that's high in fiber/protein.
For severe constipation - colace. Talk to your doc/midwife to get their recommendation of a stool softener. This digestive system symptom pretty much doesn't go away the entire pregnancy (at least I was told).

I agree, eat plain/bland foods for a while to help with stomach cramping.

We all have the opposite to constipation!!!
anyone else?? Its just horrendous. I wake up at 6am every morning with awful stomach cramps - sit on the toilet for 20 mins feeling constipated but then have diarohea!! Some mornings it makes me cry its so uncomfortable and makes me feel sick!! anyone else???

I have the worst constipation from hell right now and for the past week! I have tried everything and wish it would turn into liquid. I'm worried it's my zofran and I'm gonna have to stop it which means I'll be back to violently vomiting around the clock. I've tried POM juice prune juice tons of water, colace, hot beverages daily, increased fiber... This is ridiculous!!!

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