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breast feeding abd taking Metronidazole??


Mummy to Sophie
Feb 13, 2008
Reaction score
I've been given two more sets of antibotics (listed above and Cefalexin).....but the doctor said it was fine but the phamacy said i shouldnt be breast feeding on them???

so annoyed i've had nothing but problems since i had my c section :(
I got given both og these when I was in hospital after having my c-section and I was breastfeeding, then got prescibed metronidazole again after a few weeks cos of an infection and again, the doctor knew I was breastfeeding.
My son was given cefalexin for his water infection when he was just 3 months so i imagine that is fine with Bf but not sure about the other one i'm afraid. I have a BF medication book but its out on loan to someone :dohh:

I will text her and see if she can look it up for you xx
Both are listed as safe to take while breastfeeding in this Breastfeeding Network Leaflet:

There is a bit more about Metronidazole, it says that it used to be thought it made the milk taste bad, but no one was ever able to find the research this was based on, and isn't now thought to be a problem.

Personally, I'd take them and continue to breastfeeding. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Thanks so much ladies you've been a great help. So glad I have you guys as support x
I contacted my LLL leader and she checked for me, they are both absolutely fine to take whilst BF :thumbup: thought i'd post just incase you wanted a little extra reassurance
Oh this is a good thread, I was perscribed this but haven't taken it as no one seemed sure if it was ok to take!
Thanks so much you guys for all your replies. Dunno what I'd do without you guys x
I was prescribed that and another at same time doc did say that one may make the milk taste a little funny but had major infection after c section and they didn't see problem with it. baby was fine on them too. Although we both had bad tummys cos of being on such large doses of antibiotics apparently that would have happened no matter which we took.
Yup I was on both when I got a nasty womb infection after the birth. They were pumping it into me by the bloody gallon in hospital and I had to take so many tablets everyday. It only made his poo green that I noticed.

I have been given two sets of antibiotics (pls see above) after my forceps delivery with 4th degree tear. After taking them for 7days, unfortunately, I had to go back on another 7 day course of them as developed an infection. Originally I didn't take much notice about how they may affect my newborn and myself, as trusted doctors to have my best interest at heart. However ever since my little boy started having a rash, being sick after every feed, having very bad stomach and crying excessively I went on to read about these drugs. I understand that cephalixin is ok to take while breastfeeding but metronidazole is proven to affect babies and I've read you have to stop breastfeeding while on that antibiotic. I'm freaking out as all the way through the pregnancy I even avoided taking paracetamol to give my baby the bestest starts but now its all a waste as with all the antibiotics it's making him poorly. Have anyone been prescribed the same and had similar side effects?
I'm very concerned as after reading about metronidazole even though it the research suggests not much evidence of the problems in newborns, but it mentions that it can develop c gene... Can anyone advise if you were taking them antibiotics how are your little treasures doing?

Thank you and I am very looking forward to talk to someone.
I had to take metronidazole. My GP explained that although it was safe to take while bfing, it did go into the milk and might give LO and upset tummy. Sure enough, LO has diarrhoea for most of the course. All ok now.
The only antibiotics truly unsafe for BF are those that are given in the case of life threatening blood poisoning or similar, and they are prescribed very very rarely as they are harmful for the mother taking them as well-but if its a life or death situation taking them is the lesser of two evils. I was on metronidazole while BF a couple of times, caused my babies to be windy and grumpy and have greenish poo but no long term effects. One went on to develop severe oral thrush but as he was also on strong antibiotics from birth it could have been from that xx

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