I have to go back into hospital to get my bits stitched up properly as they 'missed' some when William was born 10 weeks ago
- that's another story in itself.
They were just planning on giving me a general anaesthetic to do it but I queried them as I am breast feeding and REALLY don't want him to have a bottle even with EBM. I have my pre-op appointment soon and want to be able to argue my case for a local anaesthetic - ouch!
Have any of you had any similar experiences or do you know how a general or local may affect my milk?

They were just planning on giving me a general anaesthetic to do it but I queried them as I am breast feeding and REALLY don't want him to have a bottle even with EBM. I have my pre-op appointment soon and want to be able to argue my case for a local anaesthetic - ouch!
Have any of you had any similar experiences or do you know how a general or local may affect my milk?