Breast issues - any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2012
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Wondering if anyone has had a similar issue with mastitis or other infections or breast redness/warmth that is NOT an infection while pregnant....sorry this is so long, it just takes a bit to explain what's been going on...

I'm 22 weeks along and starting about 3 weeks ago, the lower half of one of my breasts became red and warm like it had been sunburned, and same with a patch on the other. My OB didn't think it was an infection b/c I didn't have a fever, pain or discharge. She sent me to a dermatologist but the dermatologist didn't think it was a skin thing. So then the OB ordered a breast ultrasound and prescribed antibiotics. The u/s technician and radiologist said looked like an infection, even though they didn't find an abscess or anything on the u/s, and I should take the antibiotics (I was reluctant b/c I am not thrilled about dousing the little guy with drugs).

Now I've been taking the antibiotics for 4 days and no improvement. I don't know what to think. I would be worried about cancer except I don't think that would show up in both breasts at once. I have a feeling they'll switch me to different stronger antibiotics.

But I'm wondering if anyone has had this redness/warmth/slight tenderness and their doctor did not think it was anything to worry about? It's not exactly pleasant but I feel like it could just be that my breasts are a little freaked out b/c they grew a lot, and not an actual infection.
Let me know what you think! Thank you!
I'm sorry you're going through this, it's frustrating when you can't get answers from the doctor! I don't necessarily have much advice... I assume this is your first and you weren't previously breastfeeding so this probably isn't helpful but I had clogged ducts while breastfeeding/pumping with my dd and they were similar to what you described. But mine were VERY painful, red skin on the outside, really warm/hot, but it was just clogged ducts and I'd have to pump and massage and pump and massage for a day or two and finally it would come out and I'd have a TON of milk from that boob.

Obviously I'm no doctor but maybe your boobs getting ready for breastfeeding have kind of irritated them? I know some women leak very early so maybe it's possible they've just reacted that way? I don't know, but hopefully you can get some answers soon. Don't pump though, you don't want to stimulate them as I've heard excess nipple stimulation can cause labor. I have heard that cabbage leaves can help with clogged ducts though, so maybe you can try some natural remedy and see if it does anything? Good luck!
Don't have much advice unfortunately (sorry!) but was wondering...have you been using a different soap lately? Or detergent for washing your clothes? Has the patch been growing or staying the same?

I have dealt with clogged ducts when breastfeeding which results in a red, warm patch that's quite painful but you can actually feel the clog (usually its a firm shape that resembles a mango pit/wedge).

I did find a post from another board for you where the OP seems to have the same issue. The responses are quite varied. Here it is:
Thanks so much for your replies, and Paris for posting the other thread! (Going to look at it next.) I don't think it's a clogged duct (can't feel anything hard like that and no engorgement or pain or leaking), and probably not an allergy from soap etc. b/c I can't think of any changes. But I generally have very sensitive skin so that was the first thing I thought. I am up in the middle of the night freaking myself out about inflammatory breast cancer, but I really do believe it's like you said RcdM, just my boobs are just irritated b/c this is a brand new thing for them. Seeing my doctor tomorrow and will find out the next step then.. I'm also going to go back to seeing an acupuncturist (was seeing someone during fertility treatment but haven't since pregnancy) and see what she thinks since western medicine seems to be stumped on this one.
Thanks so much for your replies, and Paris for posting the other thread! (Going to look at it next.) I don't think it's a clogged duct (can't feel anything hard like that and no engorgement or pain or leaking), and probably not an allergy from soap etc. b/c I can't think of any changes. But I generally have very sensitive skin so that was the first thing I thought. I am up in the middle of the night freaking myself out about inflammatory breast cancer, but I really do believe it's like you said RcdM, just my boobs are just irritated b/c this is a brand new thing for them. Seeing my doctor tomorrow and will find out the next step then.. I'm also going to go back to seeing an acupuncturist (was seeing someone during fertility treatment but haven't since pregnancy) and see what she thinks since western medicine seems to be stumped on this one.

No problem! Try not to worry too much about the inflammatory breast cancer comments. In the same breath, some said they had something very similar that took quite awhile to get rid of with antibiotics. It's good to be informed so just keep an eye on it and if it continues to stick around or get bigger then get a second opinion. From my understanding, IBC is a very rapid, aggressive form and I'd imagine you would be noticing changes in your breast quite rapidly. Also, I think it's rare that it would affect both breasts.
Yeah, I agree that it's super rare that it would be happening in both breasts at the exact same time. I'm sure it's just some reaction from your body changing so drastically. When I was pregnant with my first, I found a lump in my armpit out of nowhere and I got SO scared. I was only like 9 weeks at the time. My doctor checked it and said it seems like a swollen lymph node, and it should go down in a week or two, but to call back if it wasn't shrinking by then and they'd do an ultrasound to see what it was. Well it shrunk on it's own pretty and was much gone in the 2 weeks - so our bodies do all kinds of crazy stuff during pregnancy. It could be something like that, although I know you said you don't feel a lump or mass or anything. I think it's good to keep bringing it up to different doctors, but try not to worry too much. :)
Hi just wondering what happened in the end? I am 16 weeks pregnant and have something similar except also breast pain. Antibiotics doing nothing... Would love to hear the latest from you...
Hi there -- my breasts were also fairly tender during that time. I took the full course of antibiotics and nothing changed. I'm now 39 weeks and haven't noticed the problem for a long time. I can't remember exactly when it stopped but at first I just kind of got used to the redness/warmth and then later in my pregnancy (maybe 3rd trimester) it stopped being a problem. I've also noticed that I can wear certain bras now that were too uncomfortable for me at the time I posted this, even though they were stretchy nursing bras. (I am still always very happy to get them off as soon as possible at the end of the day, but no redness now, or maybe just a little). Your doctor may want to send you to get a breast ultrasound just to be safe, but I think it's probably just that you and I have particularly sensitive skin and breasts! Good luck!
Hi there thanks for your message. Just an update for anyone else in the same position - mine too cleared up after about 6 weeks of worry, it must have been hormonal after all! Wishing you all the best
I know this thread is so old, but I am beyond thankful to you ladies for posting your experiences here. I am currently 24w3d pregnant with my first baby, and ten days ago my breasts broke out in a rash (after a couple nights of waking to them being covered in sweat). They’re warm to the touch (sometimes hot), and the redness is symmetrical on both breasts (on the inside of the breasts by the nipples and the underside). My pores appear enlargened because of the inflammation. The rash responds to cold compresses and cabbage- so that’s encouraging. But I am so scared. My OB tried me on a course of antibiotics, and that didn’t seem to help. I have an ultrasound scheduled for Monday (with a possible biopsy if needed). I keep having panic attacks that I have bilateral IBC (although in my research I found a journal article stating that they could only find five instances of patients with simultaneously occurring bilateral IBC). This thread gives me some hope that I’m not dying of an aggressive cancer while pregnant. If anyone else has experiences similar to these that turned out not to be cancer, I would be so thankful to hear about them. And either way I’ll update once I receive results in case any other woman stumbles upon this thread.

A side note: in my research online, the rare cases I’ve found where women report these symptoms seem to have a history of infertility, difficulty conceiving, and/or IVF. I am currently pregnant because of a successful FET. I’m wondering if fertility drugs are correlated in some way to this. Or perhaps it’s all coincidence.
This was an old thread, and no one ever replied or commented to my addition to it. I thought I’d give an update, though, in case any other panicked women google and happen to stumble upon this thread down the road. I had a breast ultrasound yesterday and met with the doctor who reviewed my images afterward. She said that whatever is affecting me appears to be a benign condition confined strictly to the skin- there is no change to my breast tissue whatsoever. She thought perhaps the condition was fungal and/or bacterial, and she referred me to a dermatologist (who I’ll be meeting with late next week). I asked her if she could rule out bilateral IBC, and she said only a biopsy could definitively rule out cancer. But she gave me a “.01%” (in her own words) risk of it being bilateral IBC- which is the best odds a doctor can give in the absence of a biopsy. She found no need to biopsy my breasts yesterday. I’m incredibly relieved, even though I’m no closer to knowing what the condition IS.

One OB thought it was mastitis or cellulitis. Another OB thought it was vascular. The breast specialist thinks it’s fungal or bacterial. Maybe the whole thing is just hormonal. I’ll update again if I ever get a concrete diagnosis of what it actually is. But I thought it was really important to come here and update because I know how scared any woman googling this during pregnancy is. While bilateral IBC can happen, it is extremely rare. So take deep, calming breaths. Work with your doctors. And keep trusting in life and that the little one inside you is going to be okay. And that you are too.

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