breast or bottle?


Corey, bump & Angel Logan
Feb 10, 2010
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I'm due in less than 2 weeks with my 3rd and can not decide whether to breastfeed or bottle feed. My first is nearly 3, my second 2 in june. I breastfed my first for 3 days due to pain from c-section then bottle fed. With my second i breastfed for over 12 months and loved it but it was hard work. She would comfort feed and not go long between feeds. My heart says breastfeed my head says bottle feed. Any input welcome.
It has to be a personal choice.:hugs:

ill have 21month old. couldnt bf her :(
so will be trying my best to bf this one. if its too much hard work and my daughter is suffering with a lack of time i have for her i will bottle feed. i wont beat myself up about it by dd is v healthy and has had formula since a week old.
Personally, if I couldn't decide, I'd give breastfeeding a try with LO, then if it didn't work or I wanted to go to bottle, at least I could say I tried :flower:
Id breastfeed for 6 weeks and then express if anything x especially with 3 around 3 and under xxx
Id breastfeed for 6 weeks and then express if anything x especially with 3 around 3 and under xxx

Have you breastfed before? It's WAY easier than expressing and faffing about with bottles! Of course it's a personal choice though, but I'd always go for breast over bottle, especially with subsequent babies, as it's just so much more convenient.

In your situation, I'd try breastfeeding again but make sure you have support in place eg from a local breastfeeding group or breastfeeding counsellor. If you try and find that it's too much work and bottles will be easier, then you can still switch. If you start with bottles, you'd have a much harder time if you changed your mind.
there is never any harm in trying, and if it turns out that BF doesn't work out for you this time, there's no shame in that, just do what you feel best for you and your LO. I BF my DD for 13 months and loved it, I actually miss it a whole lot and can't wait to do it again, I always felt so close to her and now we have a really amazing bond :blush:
I'd say if you've done it before for such a long time and enjoyed it then go for it again. You know what you're doing this time around which should make it abit easier. It is personal choice though, I bottle fed my daughter for several reasons and don't regret it. each mother is different, just do what's best for you :)
I breastfed my daughter for 9 months and then had to go back to work so I was a lot of work at first...and once she switched to formula it was kinda a nice break to see how many other people could help feed her...hahaha..BUT...I'll still nurse when I have #2....for the same time....because I did think it was easier not having to wash and sterlize especially have 2 kids it will be nice to not have all the extra dishes..hahaha...but in the end I think the less "pressure" you put on yourself to succeed the easier it will be on you....I put zero pressure on myself for #1 and it worked out great! Good luck
I'd BF. BFing can be hard sometimes, but almost all challenges can be over come.
Do what's right for you and your family. I couldn't bf dd so switched to bottles. I hadn't considered ff at all so had to do all my research as I went along. I beat myself up about until recently and she's nearly two!

I'm going to try it again this time because of the benefits for me, her and because I hated messing about with the bottles. But if it doesn't work I'm determined not to ruin my last chance at time with a newborn by worrying about not bf.

As for the bond, if I bf this one will I be closer to her than dd1? Of course not! I would, and do, do anything for my children. How they are fed couldn't possibly change that.
I'd BF,or at least give it a good go. That way if it doesn't work out you won't beat yourself up in the future because you'll know you tried your best. One of my friends BF'ed her son for 6 weeks then switched to formula because she got mastitis and found the cluster feeding too tiring. She always says she feels so guilty for giving up and wishes she'd stuck at it for a bit longer which is really sad as she's an awesome mum but she really beats herself up over it and there's nothing she can do about it now :(.
I BF'ed DS until 11.5 months, I hope to BF this LO until they're a year old and will do my best to make it happen. I had issues with my supply and the quality of my milk last time, Luckily DS's paediatrician was supportive of me continuing to BF even though DS dropped from the 98th centile to the 2nd. If this LO fails to thrive on my milk I will supplement and I hope I won't feel too bad about it!
Whatever you choose to do I hope it works out well for you :)
I plan to breast feed, but have no idea if I'll be able to and so forth. I like the fact that it gives the baby immunity to viruses and boosts the immune system. That being said, formula babies seem to be healthy as well. I'd say try it and if it proves to be too much, just switch, but at least your baby will have gotten some of the natural stuff.
I tried breast feeding with my last baby, she'll be 2 in May, and it was painful so I gave up. This time I'm going to take a class because I would like to try again. If it doesn't work out, that's fine, as long as I give an honest try, I'm satisfied.
If I have another (big if lol) I would combi feed so I'm not on my own but lo would still get some benefit.
I breastfed my first for 4 weeks, we had so many problems and my health wasnt the best due to a rough labour and emerg CS/blood loss and a heap of other issues.
With my first daughter I fed her for 7 months(mix fed from 3 months) and my second daughter is 14 months and Im still feeding her and loving it :)

I say give breastfeeding a go, you may regret it if you dont. Its totally your choice though!:flower:
I'd go with BF if I was in your situation. At first anyway, it's harder to go to bf after ff if you change your mind.
I'm still bf my LO and love it and also gonna bf this LO :)

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