Also could it be due to maternal attachment as bottle-fed LOs can be fed by family members etc while BFing is down to the mom alone and as Emma said you spend AGES BFing. Studies on maternal attachment and maternal deprivation show that it is a HUGE factor on how children behave. So if this is the basis of their argument, then I can believe it it. I still want to see more! Lol
I wondered this too. Also that purely because of the position they are held in, breastfed babies have to stay focussed when they feed (or else they pull off the boob to have a look around) whereas bottle fed children can be fed whilst being entertained/having a look round. This could produce a difference in concentration levels, surely?
I'm not having a dig to the 2 posts above, I'm just putting forward another perspective but Molly had to come off of the breast at 5 days and go on to formula. I am the only one and still the only one to give her a bottle. I also hold her like she was when I was BF and don't let her pull away. If she does get distracted then the bottle doesn't 'go with her', I pull it out until she turns to face it again. I never walk around with her with a bottle, give it to her unaided etc. I treat it like a breast. Please don't assume that FF mums let their child do whatever they want when it comes to feeding as this isn't always the case. Also, Molly has always taken ages with a feed, sometimes an hour, so just as long as BF. Every parent and child is different, there are lots of factors at play here with this 'research'.
Ahh sorry I didn't mean to sound like I assumed all formula feeding Mums propped the bottle while the baby watched TV or anything
I just mean even if the baby is able to lie on its back scanning the room while feeding it is different to a baby who has to lie facing its mother as obviously it is difficult to get in any other position while breastfeeding.
I actually meant that feeding in both ways takes a long time, and that is why it will produce differences, as either way takes a substantial amount of a baby's first few months.
Not meaning to offend anyone, I'm not sure why either way would produce better/worse results, I'm just not surprised that there is a difference as it is such a huge part of a baby's life, so I can see how a difference would produce different characteristics.
Hope that makes sense!