breastfeeding.. a challenge?


Expecting baby # 2
Aug 22, 2011
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ok.. im really down the hill while i write this girls and totally need someone to tell me im not alone.

Im 2 weeks post partum and this is my first baby. Im really upset about not being able to breastfeed my baby. I have always been a pro breastfeeding person and really wanted to exclusively breastfeed my baby but she just wont feed on breast !! just wont !! we tried everything possible from past 2 weeks , all holds, tricks, positions, lactation consultants.. even once in a while if she does latch, she wont suck, and even she does she would not stay for longer.

Some days she feeds and many days she wont. So I have no other choice but to pump her milk during day and formula feed during night. So the need to aften pump is taking a toll on me... am i doing it the right thing? or can i do anything better? any suggestions / support?
Wow it sounds like you have been working hard. It can be so frustrating and upsetting when it doesn't go the way we want it to. Have the LC's suggested a supplemental system for you?

I understand that pumping is draining. I did it briefly for a couple of weeks due to health reasons and it is exhausting. I have the greatest respect for people that do it full time. I don't think I could do it.
You're doing great! Any amount of breast milk at all is beneficial so it's great that you've been expressing it and giving it. It's definitely hard work though and I'm not sure I could do it. My sister has been pumping full time for 8 months, so I've seen how hard she finds it.

I'm not sure what advice to offer. How do you feel about pumping? Is it going well? All I can really do is offer encouragement and say you're doing really well.
thanks a lot :hugs: i have begin to hate pumping cause i have to get up every 2-3 hours once and drain myself.. life could be so much easier if she could eat from breast... do any of yu know babies who never wanted to feed at breast??
Are there any breastfeeding mum groups near you? They might have ideas that a lactation consultant hasn't thought of before, perhaps ideas that are a little more off the wall or wouldn't/couldn't be 'officially' recommended!

Are you giving formula/expressed milk from a bottle? My only real experience anything vaguely like what you describe is of being told to supplement my first LO and we did, with a bottle. After a couple of days, she just wouldn't latch. I wonder if perhaps your LO was a bit sleepy at first then you started feeding her with a bottle and she's realised a bottle is easier than latching and feeding from the breast? If that could be the case, I'd personally try stopping bottle feeding or limit it quite strictly, although it might be scary at first. Try to cup feed or syringe feed her instead... but that will be slow. Then I would express some milk until you feel your let down or know the milk is flowing nicely then try to get her to latch, in the hopes of showing her that milk DOES come from your boobs. Once she realises that, she might be more inclined to stay latched and have a good go, rather than holding out for the bottle. You could try lots of skin to skin, in the bath, perhaps get/borrow/improvise a sling and hold her next to you in just a nappy and you with no top on so the boob is right there for her to have a go if she fancies! Try letting her sleep on your breast too, her instincts might be stronger when she's asleep.

Sorry if none of that's of use!

ETA - Have you tried an SNS? Instead of the bottle, I would try one so you can make sure she's getting milk straight away at the breast at first, while she gets used to the idea!

Look up Dr Jack Newman on Facebook/his website too. That man is a genius!
Sorry, but what's sns ?

I'll tell you the sad part.. whenever I try bringing her to boob, I automatically have a let down and begin to leak from both boobs.. she still shows no interest
has she been checked for mouth problems, like tongue tie, or lip tie, these can make it difficult for her to feed so she'll naturally go for the easy option of a bottle.
Speak to health professional, dr, lactation consultant to check if there is any reason, show them her not latching.
keep trying to put baby to breast especially at times she may be more hungry, after a longer sleep for example.
keep going! if baby is having pumped milk she's still getting the benefits.
Oh wow.. tongue / lip tie !!! Hope my baby doesn't have them.. but a valid suggestion though.. will definitely talk to her Dr. Tomorrow
Tough spot to be in. But just keep trying. I expressed almost exclusively for the first couple of weeks. My son would only latch briefly and never get much of a feed from the breast. But somewhere between the 2 and 3 week mark, we just sort of got the hang of things. I just attempted to nurse often and if he got frustrated id give him a bottle. Now he is 13 weeks and nursing like a pro :0) Just keep at it. You will both get better with practice.
My first son was the same and I'm living it again with my two week old at the moment. It sucks but you're doing a great job pumping and persevering. Have you tried a nipple shield?
Hi all !!

Its been quite a while but I did not want it to remain without an update.

I hope some mom reading this post will benefit with an after-update.

So I finally managed my baby girl feed at breast when she was about 22 days old !! We used to supplement her at first but slowly reduced the number of supplemental feedings and pumpings and by about month and a half old, she was exclusively breastfed !! 100 % exclusively breastfed !! For me I feel this was the toughest challenge I have ever won !! So for those who are struggling with latching problems, trust me, keep trying, it will come !!

We are now 3 months after birth, still going strong on bfing. I am also occasionally pumping to make a storage to mix with her solids.

Thanks a lot for all your suggestions. :happydance:
Congrats! I had almost exactly the same issues as you and am still combi feeding. I don't think we'll ever get back to EBF but I know from experience what a mountain you've had to climb and think you're amazing for making it :)
Congratulations thanks for your update. Very inspiring for other mommies

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