I have been expressing since Sophie was born 11 weeks ago and started breastfeeding her a week ago. She is feeding every 4 hours at the moment and I have been advised to express either in the morning and at night, or after each feed if I feel I need to.
I'm really worried in case she isn't getting enough milk. I've been used to her getting a set amount in her tube feeds and I've noticed since I started breastfeeding, I don't produce anything like as much as I used to when I express. Sometimes it's just 20-30ml even if I haven't fed her for ages.
The nurses have all said that if she settles after her feed and goes to sleep, and has plenty wet and dirty nappies then she is fine. She is doing all these things but her weight has levelled out - she hasn't put on any this time but hasn't lost any either. I don't feel like she can be getting 60ml from me, which is what she gets when they bottle feed her overnight when I'm at home.
Does a baby get more than a pump would express? I'm so worried in case my supply has gone down drastically! The nurse last week said that I would produce milk as Sophie drinks.
I expressed this afternoon straight after she had fed - I didn't feel like she drank very much that time. And then next time I expressed I only got about 30ml....I'm seriously worried and wondering about giving up on breastfeeding??? I don't want to, it's just that I'm scared in case my supply is going and she is not getting enough. I can hear her swallowing and gulping but she desats a lot during feeds and i have to take her off while she is still drinking then she doesn't always end up wanting any more.
Has anyone else had experience of expressing for weeks then still breastfeeding?
I'm really worried in case she isn't getting enough milk. I've been used to her getting a set amount in her tube feeds and I've noticed since I started breastfeeding, I don't produce anything like as much as I used to when I express. Sometimes it's just 20-30ml even if I haven't fed her for ages.
The nurses have all said that if she settles after her feed and goes to sleep, and has plenty wet and dirty nappies then she is fine. She is doing all these things but her weight has levelled out - she hasn't put on any this time but hasn't lost any either. I don't feel like she can be getting 60ml from me, which is what she gets when they bottle feed her overnight when I'm at home.
Does a baby get more than a pump would express? I'm so worried in case my supply has gone down drastically! The nurse last week said that I would produce milk as Sophie drinks.
I expressed this afternoon straight after she had fed - I didn't feel like she drank very much that time. And then next time I expressed I only got about 30ml....I'm seriously worried and wondering about giving up on breastfeeding??? I don't want to, it's just that I'm scared in case my supply is going and she is not getting enough. I can hear her swallowing and gulping but she desats a lot during feeds and i have to take her off while she is still drinking then she doesn't always end up wanting any more.
Has anyone else had experience of expressing for weeks then still breastfeeding?