Breastfeeding advice


Three boys!
Jan 15, 2009
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So this will be my 4TH baby, all my others have been failed breastfeeding attempts for various reasons. I really want to succeed this time.

What's everyone's opinions on nipple shields? Breastfeeding hurts so blinking much, last time was twins so it was a nightmare, one Tongue tied so had to hand express and the other was a champ and continued to occasionally feed him for a few weeks.

Anyway, nipple shields? And any other advice?
I have heard mixed reviews on them, but don't know enough to comment on them. I haven't used them myself. I breastfed by son for almost a month but got very bad mastitis and had to stop. I was so sad that i couldn't feed him any more, so this time really want to stick it out. I was thinking of getting them warming/cooling gel breast pads this time. You know the ones, where they can help milk flow but also reduce any pain..
Here is a link to the ones in boots i have seen.
Thanks, defiantly worth a try, anything would be worth a try.
I know how you feel. I really want to succeed this time too. Hopefully they will provide some relief. I also seen something on the boots website called Multi-Mam. Its a compress apparently that offers instant relief on sore nipples. Might be worth a try also?

Apart from nipple cream, i didn't know about any of these when i was feeding my son. Wish i had, i might have been able to stick it out longer. Fingers crossed for this time around :)
Breastfeeding shouldn't hurt that much. Yes, it is normal to have pain for a few seconds when they first latch on for the first week or 2, but it shouldn't be painful after that. If it is, get the latch checked, you don't need to suffer with it, it should be an enjoyable experience :)
Also, trust your body and your baby.
I used nipple shields with my son as I had inverted nipples and they worked great but I'm not to sure about them if you don't have flat or inverted nipples. It still hurts while using them obviously not as much as there is a guard there. I gradually just stopped using them I would get him to latch and then after a few minutes I would take them off and he latched great but I had to start with them on for a while. I would ask at your next appointment and see what they say about using them. Good luck and good on you for trying again on your 4th!!
With both mine breastfeeding was painful for about the first 3 weeks until we worked out the latch and my nipples got used to it. It was the same with both of mine - especially if I got cracks at the base of nipples that bled. Lots of lansinoh and a little time healed those though. The initial latch issues and sleep deprivation can be tough, but it is so worth it. I think with my first I ended up pushing through the issues (he was a preemie and couldn't suck/swallow so had a poor latch) because I didn't have another option. I didn't have formula or bottles - nothing but the boobs. So at 4am I worked with what I had. By the time #2 came along I knew that that first tough time would pass and it would get way way easier. I'm still nursing her now (22mo) xoxo

I don't know anyone who has used nipple shields though - not even really sure what they are lol
I breastfed my son for 12months and I used shields for a bit too. I had to use them when i had cracked and infected nipples, but tbh I mostly just tried to feed without them as I found them so fiddly and they didn't lessen the pain for me.

As the other ladies have said, bf does hurt for a bit but only at the very beginning. Try lying on your side and having your LO latch on this way - I found this the best way to feed at the start when we were both learning what to do.
One of my friends used nipple shields and thought they were wonderful (she used them due to pain, not inverted nipples). However I've heard they're not ideal for establishing good long term breastfeeding and ideally are only intended for women with inverted nipples. My friend didn't bf more than a couple of months.

Have you tried breastfeeding support groups in the past? If you're in UK most areas have free peer led groups and sometimes hospitals host them with professional lactation specialists. I would think they'd welcome you to turn up pre-birth and ask questions.

It is painful at first even with the right latch but if the pain lasts more than a few days pp then it could be down to baby not latching properly (midwives and breastfeeding groups can help here). Long term pain could also signal thrush or mastitis both of which need medical attention. We had thrush and it was so painful even when I wasn't feeling I was so so sore (even shower water on my boobs was too much to take). It took 5 weeks of us both being treated to clear and I managed to still bf but with some expressed and formula bottles mixed in - but I wouldn't knock anyone for a second if thrush led to them quitting bf, it's awful. You can help prevent thrush by giving your boobs some air - go topless when you can and if you use disposable breastpads for leaking try to not wear them constantly, avoid too much processed sugar and don't use antibacterial handwash/gel or limit it's use as it kills good bacteria too that fights fungal infections. Antibiotics can also make you more prone as again the good bacteria gets killed off but this you can't avoid - if you need antibiotics you have to take them.

Good luck. And well done for still trying to find a bf solution after bad experiences before :)
Nipple shields are great if you have cracked nipples or inverted nipples, although they can affect milk supply as the baby can't get the milk so efficiently. So it's best to avoid them unless you're really having problems with cracked nipples etc.

Agree with the other girls, BF shouldn't be sore. The initial latch will prob be a bit sore for the first few weeks, babies have really strong suction & your nipples have to get used to it. But if you're having pain throughout the feed then the latch needs a bit of improvement. Lots of skin to skin will help, and getting your baby to the breast as soon as possible after birth too.
I have extremely sensitive nipples, hubby isn't allowed to touch them even, I can't even stand my bra or hand rubbing against them.

I did breastfed but one week with my first and then expressed for a few weeks, one twin couldn't latch the other was a champ but it was so painful, I did combination feed him fir the first two months but with twins it was complicated with one needing formula anyway so I stopped when my milk became less. The entire time it hurt and I hated the feeling.

Expressing withstood ok but you don't get all the benefits plus I have three already very young children (3 & 22 months) so I dint see where I could fit the time for expressing in.

I'll try whatever I can to help. Thanks ladies. As for asking for help, I have every time and never got it, always too busy or just didn't give any useful help.
Since this is your 4th, you've probably already done this, but there are a ton of great books on breastfeeding available. I've read a few, and feel like it has prepared me to trouble-shoot most potential problems.

That said, I don't know what the solution would be to extremely sensitive nipples as a pre-existing problem. I've heard that getting some sun exposure on them can help toughen them up, though for most people this isn't really possible. I have an above-ground pool in our backyard, so I just sneak my top off sometimes while I'm in there, since no one can see in without walking right up to the side of the pool. Maybe Google "sensitive nipples" since that seems to be your main problem and see what else comes up?
Thanks, will do. I always joke with my husband about when I get my boob job and they say they will try to spare as many nerves as possible I will shout, no please cut them all! Lol!
I would avoid nipple shields. I breastfed for 22 months. If you have a good latch, it should not be painful. I do remember my nipples being somewhat sore the first few days, especially before my milk came in. She was constantly on them though, so I think that's why it was a little uncomfortable. That didn't last long though, and I never had pain again. (Until she started teething, haha)

My best advice is to put baby to your breast as soon as possible. If they don't have a good latch, stick your finger in their mouth to break the suction and make sure they have enough of the nipple in their mouth.
I would have to respectfully disagree with others, and say that even with a good latch, some of us just experience bad pain for the first few weeks! My first was in the NICU so I had to pump around the clock. My nipples got sooo sore and the pain was almost unbearable, but after the first few weeks they got used to it and the pain completly went away. My second baby was a wonderful nurser. He had a great latch (maybe too strong), and my nipples hurt more than labor for three weeks. It was awful, but I hung in there and continued to nurse, and my boobs got used to it. They returned to normal and nursing became wonderful and such a great experience. Nursing is hard!!! Super hard, but if you hang in there, it gets better - I promise! Try pumping a little too in between feedings if you need, and even though I didn't want to, I would feed with a bottle once in a while to help relieve me. My baby never got nipple confusion, but this time I wan to exclusively breastfed on the breast. I also used lanolin cream, but it made my boobs so greasy and I didn't like that feeling, but it did help the pain a little. Let them air dry too, and change nursing pads often. You don't want your bra or the pads to be wet sitting on you. It is hard, but if you are determined, things do get better after a few weeks. It is really just about holding out through the pain and continuing to nurse as often as possible to get your boobs used to it. I am looking forward to nursing again, but I am dreading the first few weeks of pain!! It is worth it though!! :)

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