breastfeeding and eating


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2013
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My lo is 9 months old. She wasn't feeling well a few weeks ago so I took her to the dr and her dr told me she should be eating baby food 3 times a day and breastfeeding!!!! Well...she won't eat that much...maybe one meal and breastfeeding all normal. I have her 9 month appointment this week and I am nervous she is going to tell me she isn't eating right. She is growing very well...and is always full. Just confused on what she should be doing. Or if what we're doing is ok! Just curious what other moms do! :) Thanks
Are you BF before or after meals? Probably around 9 months you might consider giving food first and then BF. I wouldn't panic at all though. If you are offering food and she is just not eating it there really isn't much you can do! If she is happy and growing and meeting milestones then you're doing exactly what she needs to do :D

DS2 struggled to eat more than a couple of spoons of anything before 10 months and I think that was because from about 7-10mths his brother brought home cold after cold from daycare which the baby then caught in some fashion. He dropped off the height/weight charts at his 8mth appointment :(

I did put him on a multi-vitamin after that which seemed to stimulate appetite and help get rid of the germs. I then set a schedule for meals (we sat down 3 times a day at the same time (ish) so that little by little he started recognising he was hungry.

He is now 13 months and eats like a machine!!! His portions match (if not exceed) his 3yo brother all through the day and he matches my brekky and lunch!

Still BF first and last thing and during the day once or twice if I'm at home.

At his 12mth check he was back on the charts (though still on the lighter/shorter side of average).

I'm sure she's doing just what she's supposed to :)
My LO didn't even eat a thing until she was 8 months old and barely ate until she was one. I'd say she still got most of her nutrition from breastfeeding until about 15 months. She's always really loved and relied on breastfeeding so it took her a while to start dropping feeds.

Her doctor thought it was all totally fine. She was staying on her percentile lines and healthy as could be. She eats like a vacuum now. :haha:

I would just keep offering food whenever you normally do and your LO will start sorting it out in her own time.
Your doctor is giving out outdated advice, food before one is just for fun. Milk is still the main source of nutrition for under ones and food should be complimentary to it not instead of.
One meal of family food is fine they definitely don't need "baby food" .
I work full time, so my babies have two different schedules for eating, depending on if i am home or not. At 9 mo. (if i am home) i usually will bf when baby wakes up, give yogurt or cereal for breakfast, then give them something for lunch, bf and take a nap, bf before dinner, give them something small for dinner, and then bf one last time before bed.

When i am working i feed them before i leave for work and my husband will give baby food juice and water while i'm gone, then ill feed them when i get home and then again before bed. Also if they wake up at night and need to feed i will let them.

Your baby doesn't necessarily need the food, but i think it is fun (and a good idea) to begin to introduce your baby to new textures and flavors
I think as long as you are offering food around 3 x a day (on top of milk like others have said) then she'll eat when she is ready. If you offer her food whenever you have a meal time she'll get the idea sooner or later.

Around 10months most babies need regular meals and regular milk because they are growing so fast but each child differs a little in exactly when food becomes important to them.
Thanks all! Well she weighed a little below what she should....but she's crawling that would help. She's 16 lbs. She's growing out of clothes so fast...She's super long. I was a small build too as a baby. Dr still says 3 meals a day....and breastfeeding 3 times a day. For example yesterday. She breastfed in the am and went back down for a nap then breastfed a little bit after her nap. Then at lunch she had a full carton of chicken and apples and some peaches. Then breastfeed some then some pears then breastfed then bed. I just gave an example of eating. :) Idk then dr was like she looks pale....or maybe it's just her complexion. She is white....light white....just like I was. Grrrrrrr!!!!!! Then she was like are you giving her her vitamins. Last visit she said not she says to. She looked at me like I was crazy when I said she only drinks water if I fill a straw up and give it to her! And last but NOT least. She said well I guess she won't take a bottle or cup because you are always with her. I was like well no I can't work yet and I just got permission to drive this week again!!!! So yes I am always with her....and yes that's why I had a baby so I could be with her!!!!! So frustrating! I am a single parent!!!!! I just had a major surgery (hysterectomy) so yes I am going to spend as much time aspossible with my one ans only baby!!!!!! Ugh...I like how she is with my baby nice and gentle but hate how she talks to me!!!!! Ok sorry ladies I needed to vent!!!! :) And my mom went with me to her appointment and was not happy how she talked to me I wasn't just imagining things! :(
How frustrating doctors can be!
I was always told with my first that food is for fun untill a year old so if they weren't eating didn't matter as long as still getting the milk they need. Also not cows milk till a year as they can't digest it properly. As long as your little one is still happy and growing well I'd say your doing just fine. Silly doctor.
I would say offer food three times a day (breakfast/lunch/tea). If she doesn't eat a lot don't stress too much at this stage but do keep an eye on it. Is she eating stuff with lumps in? I was told by health visitor that if they don't start eating lumpy food by about nine months some won't eat it at all! My first was always a very happy eater (and not a great breastfeeder - weaned herself off breast by seven months and screamed until given a bottle!).
I was told by health visitor that if they don't start eating lumpy food by about nine months some won't eat it at all!

It's often quoted that there is a window of opportunity for eating but that idea is actually based on a speculative article (not even a scientific study) written by psychologists about a very small group of children with disabilities. I can imagine as children get more self aware and naturally tend towards pickiness, it is harder to introduce things they aren't used to but I think the whole idea about window of opportunity has been pretty much dismissed as having very little evidence.
Food before one is "just for fun".

I ebf my first daughter and she didn't become interested in solids until she was nearly one. Even then it was just a small snack here and there. She's now 5 years old and healthy as can be.

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