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Breastfeeding Buddies - support and advice.


1DD and cooking #2!
Sep 8, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Ladies,

Welcome to the BnB breastfeeding support thread for mummies to be!

This thread works alongside the BF champions (sticky) thread in the main breastfeeding section of the forum. :thumbup:

This is the place to come if you would like one to one, personal assistance, support or advice on all things about breastfeeding. It is very common to have questions, concerns or worries about how you will feed you baby when the time comes and hopefully we can answer some of those questions for you and ease any concerns you may have. :thumbup:

We have a wide variety of breastfeeding mummies waiting to help - with experience in lots of different areas, from struggling with latching and slow weight gain to nursing in public and expressing when returning to work. I'm sure we will have someone to pair you with who can help you. :thumbup:

So - if you would like a personal BF buddy - please comment below or pm me, mentioning a brief description of your question or concern and I will pair you with somebody who will be able to help. :flower:

If at anytime you feel you need further assistance please post your question in the main BF champion thread where there will be plenty of experienced BF mummies waiting to help you.

I wish you all happy and healthy pregnancies and look forward to hearing from you all. :hugs:
Hi Lownthwaite.
As you probably know I've been posting in the champions thread already for advice but would value some more one to one input.
Madeleine was born 10 days ago following induction and was a failed ventouse, ending up in forceps delivery. She is small at 6lbs and lost over 10% birth weight although hopefully that is improving. We've been struggling with latching and are having to use nipple shields which I'd ideally like to be rid of ASAP. Her mouth seems tiny and although she'll occasionally latch on her own she def finds it easier with shields. We were having to give bottles of EBM but the last of those was on Sunday. I've been expressing to keep up my supply but find it hard work and not sure how sustainable that'll be when my husband back at work. Today has been better and she is more alert and finally waking for feeds and demanding them but we've a long way to go. We're going to a couple of breastfeeding cafes and also in touch with a LLL leader but the more help the better please!
I'd be happy to be paired with someone who's been through similar and come out the other side - its easy to feel very alone and like every other mum has it sorted.
Thanks for taking the time to do this
Hi Lownthwaite.
As you probably know I've been posting in the champions thread already for advice but would value some more one to one input.
Madeleine was born 10 days ago following induction and was a failed ventouse, ending up in forceps delivery. She is small at 6lbs and lost over 10% birth weight although hopefully that is improving. We've been struggling with latching and are having to use nipple shields which I'd ideally like to be rid of ASAP. Her mouth seems tiny and although she'll occasionally latch on her own she def finds it easier with shields. We were having to give bottles of EBM but the last of those was on Sunday. I've been expressing to keep up my supply but find it hard work and not sure how sustainable that'll be when my husband back at work. Today has been better and she is more alert and finally waking for feeds and demanding them but we've a long way to go. We're going to a couple of breastfeeding cafes and also in touch with a LLL leader but the more help the better please!
I'd be happy to be paired with someone who's been through similar and come out the other side - its easy to feel very alone and like every other mum has it sorted.
Thanks for taking the time to do this

Hi hun,

You have been paired with BlondeShorty - she will send you a pm shortly. :thumbup:
Just bumping this again. Please think about it ladies - the support I've had has been fab and definatley part of the reason I've been able to carry on.
As beanhunter says - I've found some of the advice we offer the mums on here in regards to BF can sometimes mean the difference in carrying on or giving up.

You also don't have to be planning on totally BF for any great length of time - I can pair you with mums who can advise on combi feeding (offering breast and formula) and also breastfeeding short term / till returning to work. :thumbup:
Bumping just to say it's a brilliant system, hopefully some new mamas will give it a try, I benefitted a lot from the support xx
Have you posted in 3rd tri to tell the ladies this is here?
I've just come back to this, as I'm currently going a bit crazy!
LO and I have always had a tough time BF, she would be latched on 24/7 if she could! She's 7 weeks old now, and I can count on one hand the amount of times she's taken herself off the breast after a feed!
I've been to 5 different breastfeeding support sessions, and they've all said she latches fine. At the start of the feed I can see her muscles working and hear her swallowing, but then she does little fluttery sucks, with a swallow every 10 or so. She often dozes off during a feed, but if I move to take her off, she wakes up and starts sucking again. Apart from about 30mins today (not all in one go) she has been feeding constantly since about 9:30am. I am hungry, exhausted and frustrated! This is what every day would be like if I had the time! Its starting to make me feel ill, because I'm living on toast pretty much, as anything else takes too long and she starts screaming! I've only been to the toilet twice!!
I've tried stripping her off (shes been in just a nappy all day), tried jiggling her to wake her up, tried tickleing her to keep her awake, nothing seems to work! At first I thought it must be a cluster feed, but it's been weeks!
We started supplimenting with formula, (she had about 8oz a day, but was never really fussed with it) but now she refuses a bottle and point blank refuses it! My nipples hurt, not like when I first started BF, they're not cracked or bloody, but they're very tender and uncomfortable, even though I slather them in lanolin.
I'm feeling so fed up!! I just want to enjoy my baby! If she's awake she's either feeding or crying to be fed! I get maybe 5 mins a day of smiles, before she cries again! :( Can anyone help me?? I feel like its never going to end :(

Edit-Also, because she never comes off by herself, A) I never know she's had enough, and B) I never know when to switch boobs!!
Have you posted in 3rd tri to tell the ladies this is here?

As far as I'm aware hun we have to just focus buddy threads in the buddy part of the forum. I think this also counts for related threads.
I've just come back to this, as I'm currently going a bit crazy!
LO and I have always had a tough time BF, she would be latched on 24/7 if she could! She's 7 weeks old now, and I can count on one hand the amount of times she's taken herself off the breast after a feed!
I've been to 5 different breastfeeding support sessions, and they've all said she latches fine. At the start of the feed I can see her muscles working and hear her swallowing, but then she does little fluttery sucks, with a swallow every 10 or so. She often dozes off during a feed, but if I move to take her off, she wakes up and starts sucking again. Apart from about 30mins today (not all in one go) she has been feeding constantly since about 9:30am. I am hungry, exhausted and frustrated! This is what every day would be like if I had the time! Its starting to make me feel ill, because I'm living on toast pretty much, as anything else takes too long and she starts screaming! I've only been to the toilet twice!!
I've tried stripping her off (shes been in just a nappy all day), tried jiggling her to wake her up, tried tickleing her to keep her awake, nothing seems to work! At first I thought it must be a cluster feed, but it's been weeks!
We started supplimenting with formula, (she had about 8oz a day, but was never really fussed with it) but now she refuses a bottle and point blank refuses it! My nipples hurt, not like when I first started BF, they're not cracked or bloody, but they're very tender and uncomfortable, even though I slather them in lanolin.
I'm feeling so fed up!! I just want to enjoy my baby! If she's awake she's either feeding or crying to be fed! I get maybe 5 mins a day of smiles, before she cries again! :( Can anyone help me?? I feel like its never going to end :(

Edit-Also, because she never comes off by herself, A) I never know she's had enough, and B) I never know when to switch boobs!!

Hi Lovey!

Sounds like you're not enjoying things right now! :nope:
I've paired you with "MrsLMC" - she will send you a pm shortly. :thumbup:

Me too. I found vital support through my buddy, and I wouldn't have found her if it wasn't in 3rd tri. Is there any way to just do a post in there saying it's here?
Me too. I found vital support through my buddy, and I wouldn't have found her if it wasn't in 3rd tri. Is there any way to just do a post in there saying it's here?

I'm glad to hear of another successful buddy pairing :happydance:

Unfortunatley no - it's not allowed to post threads about buddies in any section other than the buddy section. :nope:
Hello, I BF my daughter until she was 3 :happydance: after unsuccessfully trying to feed her big brother. I am expecting twins on Jan 3rd :baby::baby: they will be here at least 2-3 weeks earlier than that. I am determined to BF them without expressing or topping up (hoping my milk supply copes) with formula. I just wanted to know if anyone managed BF long term with twins? :flower: x
Hello, I BF my daughter until she was 3 :happydance: after unsuccessfully trying to feed her big brother. I am expecting twins on Jan 3rd :baby::baby: they will be here at least 2-3 weeks earlier than that. I am determined to BF them without expressing or topping up (hoping my milk supply copes) with formula. I just wanted to know if anyone managed BF long term with twins? :flower: x

Hi moo_fie - welcome to the BF buddy thread! :hugs:

I am in discussion with a BF twin mummy at the moment to see if she'd be happy to support you. She's not actually on our buddy list but I've asked her if she's happy to support you :thumbup: I will let you know as soon as I hear from her. :hugs:
Hello, I BF my daughter until she was 3 :happydance: after unsuccessfully trying to feed her big brother. I am expecting twins on Jan 3rd :baby::baby: they will be here at least 2-3 weeks earlier than that. I am determined to BF them without expressing or topping up (hoping my milk supply copes) with formula. I just wanted to know if anyone managed BF long term with twins? :flower: x

Hi moo_fie - welcome to the BF buddy thread! :hugs:

I am in discussion with a BF twin mummy at the moment to see if she'd be happy to support you. She's not actually on our buddy list but I've asked her if she's happy to support you :thumbup: I will let you know as soon as I hear from her. :hugs:

moo_fie - I've paired you with Wind.

See your pms :thumbup:
If you need further help let me know :hugs:
YAY!! I found the thread!

So, I'd LOVE a buddy... but I'm not sure if I might be too experienced or something? I've breastfed for a total of over 3 1/2 years (so far!). My new LO is 5 weeks old today, and the issues I'm dealing with include a (probable) tongue tie, strong let down and over supply, and just the usual getting through the early stages sleep deprivation. I bf my first for 18 months and my second for 2 years. Maybe I should be offering myself up to buddy with newer mums instead? I don't know. It would be lovely to have some help with the whole tongue tie thing, though. It's completely new and foreign to me, I'd never even heard of such a thing until 2 weeks ago.
YAY!! I found the thread!

So, I'd LOVE a buddy... but I'm not sure if I might be too experienced or something? I've breastfed for a total of over 3 1/2 years (so far!). My new LO is 5 weeks old today, and the issues I'm dealing with include a (probable) tongue tie, strong let down and over supply, and just the usual getting through the early stages sleep deprivation. I bf my first for 18 months and my second for 2 years. Maybe I should be offering myself up to buddy with newer mums instead? I don't know. It would be lovely to have some help with the whole tongue tie thing, though. It's completely new and foreign to me, I'd never even heard of such a thing until 2 weeks ago.

Glad you found it! :happydance: What made you look? Did someone direct you here?

I don't think anyone is ever too experienced - you never stop learning! :thumbup:

I'm going to pair you with moomette. Pop her a pm and I'm sure she'd be happy to help you. :thumbup: She has experience of TT.
If you need further help regarding oversupply or strong letdown that moomette can't offer then give me a shout and I'll point you in the right direction. (We don't seem to have a current champion on the list that has dealt with both TT and OS and SLD)

If you'd like to be a BF champion then pop your details on the champions thread in the BF section and Nervous_1 will happily add you to our list. :thumbup::hugs:
I would love a buddy! My LO seems to have trouble latching sometimes, and I think I was the problem. When we were in the hospital I didn't make sure that she would latch properly, I was so worried about her weight I just wanted to make sure that she would eat. Now I am worried that her poor latch is causing her to get gassy or whatnot and I need to basically re-teach her to latch correctly. Sometimes we get it and sometimes we don't!

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