Brilliant homebirth - Baby Teddy is here!


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Nov 21, 2010
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I am going to be very detailed in my description of the birth of my gorgeous son on 2 October 2011, as when I was pregnant I found the detailed stories were so helpful for me. This really is long, but I wanted to have a record for myself too, so I hope it helps those making a choice about homebirth.

On Friday 1 October at 40+5, I went in to classes as normal, but couldn’t manage with the heat – I felt so uncomfortable I phoned my OH to come get me from uni. We went and did a massive shop to get everything ready for baby, which I got quite tired from. In the evening my mum came over and took us out to the spiciest restaurant ever – had a meal of chillies on chillies with extra chilli sauce which was amazing as I’d so missed spicy food with the heartburn. My bump had totally dropped the day before though so the heartburn was bearable for the first time in months.

I got woken up at 1.30am with a stinging pain at the bottom of my bump – a bad period pain. I thought, ooooh, that spice has caused me a mischief. About 5 mins later I had another pain, and told my husband this was probably it. The pains continued every 5 minutes. He got the contraction timer out and timed them. He was trying to sleep in the middle of them, but I was too excited. I gave up on him and let him sleep. I called my mum who was my birthing partner at around 6am. She was very excited and came over for about 7am. Because they were 5 mins apart, lasting about a minute but not that painful I called labour ward. They paged the homebirth midwife who called me back. She said as I could talk through the contractions to call back when they were 3 mins apart, lasting longer than a minute and had been for longer than half an hour.
Me and mum had some breakfast then went out for a long walk, leaving OH asleep in bed! When walking the contractions slowed right down, and began to get less painful. We went to two parks, tried squatting and some yoga. We went to the shops and I had a few contractions, people must have thought we were mad and lots stopped to ask if I was alright. My mum would calmly tell them everything was fine, I was in early labour which I found quite amusing. We went to another park, and were laying in the sun. The contractions practically stopped then. I was getting anxious as a long stop start labour was in my mind, and the thought of having to go to hospital to be induced was scaring me.

We went back home at around 1pm and I laid on the floor with the curtains closed. The contractions returned and were coming about every 8 minutes. My mum and OH were in and out of the room, trying to time them on an iphone app – but they kept missing them and I was getting so annoyed at them. My mum began writing them down instead, which was good as I felt this would be more accurate. I really feel as though my anxiety and annoyance was slowing the process down though and I wish I’d been able to let my body take over the early part of my labour. Not sure why my brain was taking over, but it was so I tried to let go. The contractions started coming closer together and I could no longer just rock on all fours to deal with the pain. I was leaning on a chair bouncing my bum up and down. They were all in the front and getting more and more painful, but with my mum there to hold me and OH to talk to in between them, I found them bearable.

At around 10pm they were finally 3 mins apart. We waited for half an hour of this, I was willing the contractions on and somehow they were coming every minute then. My mum rang the midwife and told her what was happening, she asked to speak to me and she said she’d be there within the hour and to take some paracetemol. Then the contractions stopped again! I don’t know why but perhaps I was suddenly nervous that the MW was coming. She got here at 11pm, and was reluctant to examine me. She made me agree not to be disappointed if she said I was only 1cm! I asked her to just get on with it. She said I was 3-4 cm and it could be a while yet. I didn’t mind this though, I felt it was good progress and was pleased to be getting somewhere. I was also happy for her to leave, I just wanted to get on with it. She said things would probably get going properly at around 1am and that she and her colleague would come out again then.

What followed was the most difficult three hours of my entire life. The MW had advised us all to get a rest and so my mum went to sleep in the living room, OH came into bed and I laid down on the bed, now covered with plastic sheeting. The contractions were getting bloody difficult though, and I began to struggle quite a lot. I was in a lot of pain, pretty much screaming, worrying about what the neighbours might think, and constantly getting up to run to the loo. I hadn’t had a clearout, but felt I needed to have a poo so kept trying. I now think this was the pressure of baby’s head moving down.

I was moaning that I just could not cope, I wished I was dead, wanted to knock my head against the wall and I told OH he was being lovely but I hated him, and telling OH I didn’t want to have a baby anymore. I tried running myself a bath, bouncing around and writhing on the bed. The pain was incredible and the contractions were just coming so fast. I couldn’t work out if I’d been asleep in between them or not, I was totally out of control. I could feel baby’s head moving down and stretching me open. It was agonising. I remember feeling very alone, wishing that I was at hospital, wishing I could have an epidural, and regretting ever getting pregnant. I could not focus on the baby, and don’t know why, but I felt I was going to die. I was pretty much in panic mode. My mum and OH felt that this could go on for a lot longer and wanted to get their sleep, and I felt guilty for annoying them with my loud moaning and screaming.

Around 10 to 1, I could not stop pushing for this poo, and felt it may finally be coming. I was boiling hot and took off my remaining clothing. I turned on the light and saw I was bleeding. I called out for my mum lots of times – I was really scared there might be something wrong with the baby. OH came running into the bathroom and I asked him to get my mum. She came in and sat on the toilet and sat me on her lap. I got the greatest relief from this, and just didn’t want to get off her. My OH rang the MW and asked where they were, as he thought my waters had broken and there was quite a lot of blood. They were nearly at our flat. My mum made me get up and get on the bed on all fours. I told her I needed to push and she said, no it’s just a poo, but do it I’ll clean you. At this point the midwives got here and started talking to me about gas and air. I told them to ‘f*** the gas and air’, as I was grunting like an ox at this point and felt quite in control finally. They asked if I needed to push and I said yes. They were not convinced, but I heard the MW exclaim – ‘oh yes, I can see the head!’ They were suddenly all systems go, rushing about and unpacking things. It was clear that they had not expected this, and I remember feeling quite righteous. I suddenly realised I was going to meet my baby. I couldn’t believe this and had a massive burst of energy. I was shaking and wobbly, the MW put a towel over me, but I started sweating. I was on all fours and laid down in between contractions. The ‘ring of fire’ was bad, but nowhere near as bad as contractions for me, and I felt so pleased to finally be getting somewhere. LO’s head kept coming down and slipping back up. Each time it slipped back up it was a relief, and each time I felt it was stretching me out nicely. I was pushing for about half an hour. My OH popped his head in the room, had a look and made himself scarce. I was glad he’d come in and seen, but happy no one was really in my face, I was doing this alone and the midwives and mum were at the business end. I did poo a tiny bit, and felt the MW wipe me off, but I didn’t care at all and still don’t. Maybe this is because my OH probably didn’t see. My waters hadn’t broken and I leaned down and felt between my legs. I could feel LO’s head, in the sac.

With one bigger push, his head began coming out. At this point the MW voices really were panicked – ‘wait! Push slowly or you’ll tear!’ they advised. Best advice I’ve ever been given in my life. I panted as I was told, and slowly got his head out. It was hanging out for a minute, I looked down and could see his cord dangling between my legs. It wasn’t how I expected it at all – grey and uniform in size. With the next contraction I was able to slowly get his body out and my waters finally broke, apparently all over the MW who had been unwrapping the cord from round baby’s neck – it was wrapped round twice, and out he popped at 1.33am. I thank God that I had a wonderful, calm and experienced MW who did this with no problems. She told me to reach down and grab the baby. When I got him he was slippery and he cried straight away. My OH was there at that point and came over to me beaming from ear to ear. My mum sat on the other side of me and the midwives asked if they could examine me. I was told the placenta was right there, and the MW pulled on it but it didn’t come out. After about 5 mins I had another contraction and it came away easily. I felt so physically good after this was out, and can’t describe the relief as I looked down at my tummy and saw it was pretty much flat already.

Baby was on the breast and started suckling after about 10 minutes. He opened his eyes and started gazing about. The midwives said this was the best bit about homebirth - the babies are always born so relaxed. They went in to the living room and were doing all of their paperwork. Mum and OH were counting baby’s toes and staring at him, he was, and is so perfect. They came back in to give him vit K orally and weigh him. He is 7lb 13oz which shocked the life out of us, as we’d been told we would have a very small baby. My bump was measuring 35 weeks at 40+2 and the last growth scan had predicted a birthweight of about 6lb. I had no stitches, just a graze, which is still healing but isn’t too bad. I have barely had any bleeding, and the first wee wasn’t too bad, neither was the first poo!

He has been very laid back, so lovely and makes me so happy. Thanks a lot if you’ve read this far, my experience of homebirth was amazing. It was incredibly painful, but I dread to think how I’d have felt dealing with that pain on a labour ward. I also know I would have asked for an epidural as I was just not in control at the end. I was so lucky to get such a great experience, although I feel quite horrible when I remember the worry of being alone and the pain, I know this will fade, and our lovely little boy more than makes up for every second of pain.

Baby Teddy born 1.33am on 2 October 2011 :cloud9:


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He is beautiful - congratulations. Lovely birth story too :D I think it's the first home birth I've read. Sounds like an amazing experience x
He's so beautiful! Lots of lovely hair. Congrats. Thanks for sharing was really good to read x
Many many congratulations! Your birth story is amazing. Well done you! Welcome to the World baby Teddy! xxx
Thanks for your story, sounds amazing and I really admire you for having a home birth and no pain relief. Congrat's. Lx
congrats on getting your homebirth hun hes beautiful
Amazing birth story!!! Well done to you!!

And what a gorgeous baby boy xx
Sounds like you did brilliantly :hugs: Congratulations and well done, he's lovely :flower:
Congratulations hun! He's gorgeous! xx
Oh he is so precious, and thankyou for so much detail, it actually puts my mind at easy funnily enough!
Congratulations, glad he has arrived safely and congrats on the home birth
Thanks for sharing your story, sounds like an overall wonderful home birth...and he is a very handsome little boy!

Wow, what a beautiful birth story! Thanks for sharing and congrats, baby Teddy is just gorgeous!! Xx
Oh holy crap, that is one unbearably gorgeous baby!! Congrats!!
thats amazing,thanks for sharing your story,i hope i can do as good as you did.
Thank you for you lovely home birth story!! I also find it really really helpful to read other people's experiences!! sounds like you did really well - congratulations!!! Teddy is absolutely gorgeous!! I'm hoping for a home birth myself this time round and each home birth story I read gives me a boost! x
Wonderful job. He's precious. :D Yay homebirth!
What a lovely story! he is beautiful, sounds like you coped amazing! congrats xxx
Thankyou for a wonderful read

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