I had a c-section, but in Germany, so some of my experiences might be a bit different. For example, they didn't shave me as I heard they do in other countries. Plus, I'd been eating and drinking the whole time while laboring (it was an unplanned section) and they weren't at all concerned about that fact (another thing I hear they worry about in other places)
Anyway, when I agreed to the section, they wheeled me into the surgery room and gave me a spinal tap. They tested to see if it was working by putting something on me and asking if I could feel it. I said, no. And they began. I felt absolutely nothing the whole time. Nor did I have any shakes or anything like that. I heard a beautiful, little cry and then they announced I had a perfectly, healthy boy.
I felt very weak, but otherwise... fantastic!
It wasn`t until sometime later that the painkiller wore off...and that pain was a shock. They gave me meds which helped a little, but I'll be honest, it was wicked bad. Despite that, the first few days weren't terrible as I remained in the bed with a catheter, and the nurses took care of my son. It was the last few days in the hospital, where they took out the catheter, and I had to take care of him, get up, move around, that it was horrible.
But by the seventh and last day there, it began to lessen and soon after I was home, I felt okay. I had to move around slowly, but I could manage.
As for things not to do: I was told not to lift anything heavy for 6 weeks ( i was like: "besides my ten pound son?"). I know they meant well, but that bit of advice was a bit annoying under the circumstances)
- no exercise besides light walking and then some gentle exercises a visiting midwife showed me until my doc checked me at 6 weeks and gave me the okay to start my regular routines again
--- no sex until the 6 week check up
Besides the horrible, initial pain (and that might have been because I was in Germany. I think they use lighter meds than the US. Not sure how things are in the UK), I would say my experience was actually a positive one. No long term/recurrant pain at all. Once it was gone, it was gone. No problems at all with the scar. If I don't actively look down, I wouldn't even know I had one. No problems at all! Really, besides that scar, bodily-wise, it was like I've never been pregnant or had the section.
Try not to worry too much. Experiences during and after vary so much. Just try to have things prepared to make things easier on you as possible when you come home. (easy to make meals/snacks for example). Stock up on things. Have things low so you don't have to reach up, etc. And just be prepared to take things very slowly for awhile.
Good luck!