c section fears


Mummy of 1
May 31, 2009
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well it looks like baby will be here within the next few days so along with my fears re having a 27 weeker, my thoughts are also turning to the actual c section and i'm scared.

can anyone tell me exactly what to expect, from being got ready to aftercare? i wld rather know everything esp any undignified bits so i know what to expect.
Depends on whether you are awake or asleep! You can decide unless they think it is important for you to be asleep.

I was told I had to be asleep because there was a chance I could die being that the infection had already led to septicaemia! I had to have a 2.5ltr blood transfusion. As I was asleep I had a general anaesthetic so I dont have a clue what an epidural/spinal is like.

My sister on the other hand had a c section and she was awake, She had an Epidural and said that it was her best friend. It wasnt pleasent when they were putting it in but she soon forgot all about it.

Its so worrying I know but after having my transfusion and being transferred to Intensive Care I was up and walking after a day! I had a shower and freshend up but I did need help. My partner had to shower me because I had a massive scar.

My sister was home after 3 days and her scar was much smaller, I was home after 5 days because I had a 4 day course of antibiotics because they couldnt trace the infection!

All in all I dont think it was half as bad as I had prepared myself for..
I was due to have a c-section at 36 weeks but ended up having an emergency c-section at 34 weeks.

It really isn't anything you should worry about, yes its surgery but it really isn't that scary.

I'll explain my story but I'm sure other ladies have had different experiences.

Ok gown on.... bum on show.... always attractive but dignity at the door honey!!

Right we then wandered down the corridor where hubby went off to get changed while I went to have epidural/spinal - the room was really busy with people preparing equipment etc, I was introduced to all of them and they were really friendly because it is a little overwhelming at this stage!

Ok epidural/spinal - not exactly pleasent it is an injection into your back but then again it could be worse! They made me sit on the bed and lean forward pushing the small of my back out - not a comfie position but you don't have to stay like that for long.

Drugs kicked in quick and you have time to lay down then your legs start going numb, felt surreal to me but fine! Hubby was in next to me and talked to me to distract me, screen went up! I didn't feel a thing but you are aware of hands on you... then the pulling starts - again a really weird feeling! And at this point I did feel a little out of it - like an out of body experience!! But no pain!

Then little man was here! It was super quick! They showed him to me and then off he went for checks, cleaned up etc. This is where they started sewing me up etc! Again a bloody weird feeling but all ok, I just found this part took longer than I expected about half an hour.

Sweet all experiences are different but you'll be fine x be thinking of you xxx
hey! my c section experience was not that bad basically i was on the maternity ward. consultant scanned me and told me shed deliver that day. Then the mw came in asked me if i have allergys etc told me to take off all make up and jewlerry. Then shaved me down there :blush: they dont pull your pants down any further than need be btw give you a gown to get into (take a dressing gown to put on for being wheeled down or if your walking depends either way youl want a dressing gown) Then the anaesthatist came round asked me similar questions - allergies do i have fillings, have i had an anasthetic before etc etc he explained what would happen and if i had any questions for him he went over the risks (they have to for legal reasons but they rarely happen) i signed the form Then i got wheeled down to theatre. Where the put the canular in my hand (not sore) they sprayed me to show me how cold the spray would be to see how numb i am so i can compare. Then got the local anasthetic (slightly stingy but no worse than the steriod jabs) then the spinal block! the team was very chatty and friendly everything was very relaxed. I got told to lay down on my back then he done tests to see how numb i was like "can you wiggle your toes can you lift your legs" its quite amusing trying like mad to lift your leg and only getting it a cm off the bed :rofl: they spray you with the cold stuff which once your numb just feels like air. Once theyr happy your numb the screen goes up surgeons come in say hello and then get to work after 5 mins i got told they had started....i really didnt know. During the section you CAN feel them kinda pushing and pulling BUT i promise there is Zero pain its very very weird but not painful. Getting the baby out takes about 5-10 mins with rosalie the baby docs took her right away to check her over then i got a quick peek before they took her to scbu i remember her wearing a yellow knitted hat and she was furious!! had a huge frown on her face she also cried when they lifted her out! after babies away its basically putting you back together again you cant really feel it. The whole process is about an hour maximum. I got staples in and i tell you theyr waaaaay better than stitches and soooo easy to get out! then wheeled to recovery and up to post natal how soon you get to see baby varies in hopsital i got to see rosalie about 10pm she was born at 5.05pm

please dont worry about the section its not that bad. The pain afterwards like the next morning yeah its sore but not unbearable and the worst of it goes after a few days. It gets better with each day xxxxx
Lol Alibaba! I didnt have any pants on! All my noonie was on show! I to this day am so embarrassed! It was all out everywhere. God knows what they thought!! Look at her on the table! Could have had a cut!! lol x
Lol Alibaba! I didnt have any pants on! All my noonie was on show! I to this day am so embarrassed! It was all out everywhere. God knows what they thought!! Look at her on the table! Could have had a cut!! lol x

sorry i think i worded it wrong she just pulled my pants down to shave me...unfortunatly in theatre you have your hoo ha on show completly they insert the cathater etc :blush: thinking back actually i remember cringing cause there was a young guy in there and he was all chatty to me whilst EVERYTHING was on show under those ever so harsh lights :rofl:

also....the wind you get after the section :blush::blush::blush:
my experiance was much the same as Alibabas.

no knickers and hoohaa shaved but only the top few inches

spinal didnt hurt any more than a normal jab and i was then laid down and asked if i could feel the cold spray every few seconds until i couldnt any longer, and then if i could lift my legs into the air, then the catheter was put in

i didnt know they had started the section and didnt feel a thing! not even the pulling that some people say you do, the only part i felt was when they were pushing down onto the top of my bump to get his head out, and i dont think id have felt that if they hadnt been pushing my rib cage instead of the top of the turteus for the first few pushes

bubs was born very quickly following the first cut , then i was stiched up - at that point things got a bit crazy and i bleed heavily and needed a general, cathator and drip came out the next day and the drain i had was removed at the end of day 2, i had disolvable stiches under the skin so couldnt even see them and they have healed perfectly, my scar is 3inch long

i had Kane at 5.33pm and didnt see him again untill 10am the next morning, it would have been before but due to the complications they didnt want me moved

recovery wasnt to bad ,certainly not as bad as i had expected, im sure lots of the mummies on this board with babies that were in SCBU will agree that having your baby there makes you push yourself to get up and going, for me id have crawled along the floor dragging my legs behind me to see him myself if i had not been capable of the 1 mile an hour toddle i managed the first day

the sooner your walking the better i found, but v v v slowly was the only way for me and lots and lots of rest when you can, ( even if that is falling asleep with one hand in the incubator) and make sure you eat and drink too , its so easy to forget when all your worried about is baby

im 6 weeks post section today, and id say that since week 4 ive been 100% back to normal, zero pain and no swelling now

i did find that in the first 3 weeks after id been on my feet at lot or been naughty about what i should do my tummy would swell up i would also get very very tired/cold feeling and pale come lunch time each day for the the first week, which i put down to the fact i was on my feet and had other children to cope with as well as the blood loss to recovery from

cant think of anything else right now hun , ive tried to give you as much detail as i can , i hope ive helped a little , il add if i think of anything else

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
My story starts with the lunchtime scan, and the decision that baby should come out as soon as possible. But I'd had something to eat before the scan and they wouldn't operate until 6 hours after food, so I had to hang around for the afternoon, killing time, having baby regularly monitored. During the wait, I got to meet the surgeon and the anaesthetist who would be with me, plus I was told that my labour ward midwife would stay with me at all times for reassurance (which she did).

No shaving for me! I got to wear the groovy bum-revealing gown, but they put another over-the-top and back-to-front (kinda dressing-gown like) whilst I walked down to the theatre. Hubbie was taken away to dress in scrubs.

I sat side-on to the operating table whilst they put a catheter in my hand and sprayed my back with some instant anaesthetic, then they put the spinal in. A quick swivel and I was laid down before the spinal took effect. They kept asking whether I could move my toes, feet, legs etc. Once it seemed like I was numb, they sprayed me with something cold, starting at the toes and moving upwards, so I could tell them when I could feel the spray (around nipple level). They slid in the catheter, and it was time for "go".

Hubbie appeared to sit at my head and hold my free hand. The screen was raised. The two male anaesthetists cracked a few really bad jokes and then, within just minutes, said "That's your baby out now". Wow, it was so quick.

I had been warned that I couldn't see baby after the birth, because he was so small and very preemie, they took him into the neighbouring theatre immediately for checks and to be ventilated. There had been double the number of people in the theatre, because there was a complete second crew there to care for babba. My hubbie was taken through a few minutes later, he got to see baby and take a couple of photos, whilst I was stitched up.

I was wheeled out into a recovery side-room for an hour, to have my BP monitored and watch for any side-effects from the anaesthetic. I was on a drip to keep my liquid levels up, and the catheter still. After that hour, I was wheeled onto the post-natal ward, a private room as they felt it would be too traumatic for me to be around other mums with their babies. I felt weird and also very sleepy, by now it was after 9pm. I sent OH home, and fell asleep.

I was disturbed a couple of times in the night by midwives checking on my progress, and in the morning they removed the catheter (feels like you're peeing). They helped me into a wheelchair, and took me down to NICU to see my baby for the first time :kiss:

Now for the icky bit. My section wound didn't heal well - about 3 days after the birth, I was stood in NICU looking at my baby when one end of the surface cut re-opened and a pool of blood ran out, it looked like a horror movie! I was reassured it was just the surface cut, I was healing fine inside. It actually took 6 weeks until I healed properly and could stop dressing the wound. I haven't really dared look at the scar since. :blush: I wish I had shaved my foof (or they had) as I kept getting hairs stuck in the blood & dressing.

Getting out of bed post-section is fun, you learn to roll over and use your arms to lever yourself up :haha:
Lol the positions I ended up in after my section was just hillarious!! I used to laugh and hold my tummy because its a complete difference when you have no tummy muscles to help you!

I think its safe to say that its painful and it hurts but at the end of it you have a baby and you got the baby out the best way! Well thats what I think anyway!

And like us in a year you will be having a giggle at your noonie/foof looking a little bald or bushy (mine was a bit of both lol) and laughing at how you got stuck trying to get up from your hospital bed.

I hope all goes ok for you hun!! And Marleysgirl, sounds to me like you had a tough time with your scar healing. That must have been a pain!

Please try not to worry about the c section. I had a spinal which was fine. I was numb from my chest down which was odd. They made very sure the anaesthetic had taken effect before starting. H was up at my mead to chat to me and the anaesthetist gave us a running commentary and was generally fab.

I was told to expect to feel some pushing and pulling - as if someone was using my insides to was dishes in. But it wasn't too bad at all. Not nearly as bad as I had expected. Expect there to be a lot of people in the theatre. I lost count but as well as people to look after you, there will be paediatric staff there for the baby.

Afterwards, it is uncomfortable. I struggled to sit up and because I had lots of drips in, couldn't move much at all. Having your baby in special care is a great motivator for getting up and about though. Recovery for me was very straightforward - a tiny infection which needed a bit if antibiotic cream and that was it.
The em c section was horrific but that was because I had an abruption so a bit different.

The elective was great, I was scared but they tried to help me relax.

They got me changed into a gown, gave me 2 so I could wear one like a housecoat and cover my bum. Spoke to folk about when I last ate, did I have the ant acids and other stuff I don't remember (was too tense). Lay on the bed, it's a bit like being crucified lying there as your arms are splayed out. Then lay on my side to have my spinal block. It's not pleasant, curling up is not easy with a bump, I was flushed from the effort! Bit painful but nothing too bad. Then lie back and be tilted about a bit, the fluid from the spinal is a bit like honey, so they tilt you back to let it run up the spine. Then you get sprayed with a cold spray and tell them when you feel it, have your toes pinched and things.

Then it begins. All going well, its pretty quick from 'lets begin' to 'here's you baby!', if baby is ok, they may hold him/her up for you to see while the cord is clamped and cut. Amber was then passed to DH but your lo will probably be put into an incu and have a few people working with her.

I felt a lot of tugging as they removed the placenta, it was unpleasant. Felt like my lungs were being pulled out. That seemed to go on for so long.

Finally through to recovery and as they gave me some morphine I was sleepy and dozed on and off. Kept setting the alarms off because my heart rate is too slow for the machines and they said I was dead.

My section was at 9am, back in my ward for 2pm, catheter out at 11pm, shower and then I was up and dressed for 8am the next morning starving.

I also had a cup of peppermint tea in recovery and one when I got to the ward and then a cup the next day. I swear it helped with the windy problem, as I had no problems at all! I also managed a poo before breakfast too :happydance: It also helped that the 3 days before the section I ate a very plain diet of stuff that wouldn't give me gas. Lots of onion soup to help with digestion, not too much fruit, peppermint tea etc.
Honestly hun, don't worry about the section, it really isn't that bad! My story is much the same as all of the others on here. The hardest thing to do is to let go of your dignity...I was lay flat on my back in theatre with everything on display while about 20 people stood around waiting for the operation to begin!! You can expect to have about 5 people working on you and a team of 3 of 4 for the baby (I had twice as many as I had one team for each baby!)

The baby will be delivered within about 5 minutes and will be taken immediately by the paediatric team. It may or may not cry but try not to worry either way as they will help with its breathing immediately if necessary. You may get to see baby before it is whisked off to SCBU but again try not to worry if you don't as they will bring you photos and update you asap.

Putting you back together is the time consuming part but it should be all done within an hour. Afterwards it feels a bit strange as your feeling starts to come back into your legs...particularly as in my case one leg came back before the other!!!

Recovery for me wasn't too bad...I was allowed out of bed after 24 hours once the magnesium drip was removed (you will also have one of these if you have PE). As the others have said getting up and about as soon as possible helps and you will be amazed how far you can shuffle when the end result is getting to see your baby in SCBU! I was anemic after my section & on the second day found I was so dizzy I couldn't walk and had to be wheeled everywhere which was really frustrating, but the staff are great and if you ask will be only to push you down to SCBU.

I found I was mostly back to normal after 2 weeks but it took a long time for me to regain any sort of tummy muscles and it is hilarious (when you look back) at the positions you get in just trying to get up and out of bed!

Please don't worry about the section as it really is fine, and having seen the mums who had had normal births shuffling around and in lots of pain I really think a section is the better option!! Good luck xx
just saw this on the side of the forum home and popping in to tell you do NOT worry about the section. i had one done and hun its trully not that bad.
i dont know if im in the minority but i would easily do another section tomorrow!
i was awake for it and was very fast. also the recovery for me was very fast a few days really.

i think the others have covered the rest. xxxxx
:wave: oh hiya dizzy!

Katy - :hugs: for ya and hope ur all well xxxxxx
if it's making you feel anxious, i'd really advise you to talk to your Drs and midwives. i was so anxious about lots of parts, and they were really flexible - i got to wear my own pjs (no bum on display for me!), did my own shaving (i actually waxed which was handy during recovery, no itchy regrowth) and had the catheter put in up in my room by the midwife i trusted most, she got a bean bag from the delivery suite for me so it was more comfy and less formal. i also got a tour of the operating theatre and the room they did the spinal block & epidural in, i met all the aneathetists before hand and they offered to look at my back so they could give me an idea of how easy/challenging it might be to do the spinal stuff so i knew what to expect and how long it would take. they didn't even do the cold air on your legs thing so that i could wear my cosy PJ bottoms the whole time, they did a few alternative pokings that i don't remember much of now to be satisfied i was all numb. so yes. talk to them and they will help you feel comfortable as much as possible!

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