c-section or vaginal? please read if youve had a csection


Mommy of 3
Mar 9, 2011
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This is my 3rd baby. With both my other children, I had vaginal but required episiotomies with both. With my daughter it was a midline which I hurt for several days but with my son, o.m.g. I had a mediolateral with him and that was literally the worst pain of my life for a straight week! No pain pills would touch this pain. It was pressure pain that felt like my uterus, intestines, everything was about to fall out of me. I couldn't stand or sit. I was so uncomfortable. I wasn't even able to get out of bed to get my baby from that clear infant carrier they keep in your room.
So, my question is, can someone share experiences with me on a c-section? I see my on/gyn on the 20th and will talk to her about it.
I had a C-section with DS. They thought he was extremely large, plus he was overdue and not dropping at all. My OB suggested either inducing (and risking him getting stuck and injured) or C-section, and since it was more risk to me than him, I chose to do the c-section.
Everyone in my family has had C-sections for one reason or another since my mom and aunt/uncles were born.
The surgery went well, although I did get pretty nauseous. I was in the hospital for 4 days after. I wasn't able to get up for the first couple days(at first from the spinal, and then from the pain) and had to have my DH or a nurse hand me DS. They made me get up after the first day to go to the bathroom, but that's all I could manage until the 3rd day, when I was able to shower. 4th day I was walking around the halls with DH and pushing DS in his cradle. After that I went home, and was up and around taking care of DS the day after I went home(had to since DH had to work, and I didn't live close enough to my family) The pain wasn't too unbearable by the time I got to go home. It really was a pretty fast recovery for me.
But then, everyone is different, and it also depends on how well the C-section goes. My sister had 3 C-sections. Her first 2 were uneventful and healed well. On the 3rd, as they were pulling out her DD, she turned her shoulder and caught and tore a ligament and a blood vessel. She had to have blood transfusions and end up having problems for weeks on end. They told her that it wouldn't be advisable to have any more children, or even have her tubes tied now(she was done at 3 and was going to have it done)
There are always risks, so definitely discuss it thoroughly with your OB and weigh the pros and cons in your situation.
I had a c section too.. I wish I could have experienced natural birth, but I had a break out and my son was much too big anyways. Since you went thru so much pain I would say c-section!! As long as the hubby/family can help you out the first week or two. It's a lot of recovery time :(
My section was an emergency after a 48 hour slow labour and failure to progress. The op itself was fine but then I was pretty out of it by then having been awake nearly 56 hours. I stayed in hospital for 4 more days but only because dd wasn't feeding well. My recovery was really quick with no problems at all. I was pretty much doing everything again within a couple of days of returning home and was actually very mobile. I didn't find the pain hard to cope with and within a week was only on the odd paracetamol. I am probably going to ask for an elective this time around and hope my recovery is just as swift.

Good luck with your decision x
i had 2 sections, the first was an emergency section and i was put under so didnt experience his first cry and all. i was pretty down for a long time.
my second was elective because i didnt want to risk another emergancy section and miss it again.
it was a very nice birth and i dont regret for a second that i chose to have a section. my husband was able to see our daughter being born and so did i, that was the most important.
i recovered very well both times and was walking around the next day, i had to stay a week after the first just because that was the hospital policy 14 years ago, after the second i went home on day 3 and was taking care of the baby and the house again.
now im pregnant again and im thimking about a vback but if it ends in a section again, im not going to beat myself up over it.
I have had 2 sections, and will be having my third in January....My first was an emergency due to a failed induction and heart rate dropping.
My second was completely different and an absolute breeze compared to my first.
Both recoveries were great with no problems, was in the hospital for 2 days in total with my second, c-section was done on Tuesday morning, up walking and having a shower by 1pm lunchtime and home by Thursday afternoon :)
I enjoyed my second one, I got skin to skin and fed her soon as she was out, the whole experience was just so calm and relaxing the nurses were great in the theatre too....my first I don't remember much as I was on a lot of drugs and suffering from low blood sugars.

I had so many worries about having my second one, but I am so glad I had it and I will be looking forward to my third one too :)
I got knocked out for my first section as my eldest was critically ill. I was up and walking 4 hours later but im sure that was more to do with morphine and denial lol my second was ment to be a planned section but he came early. Even so I was moving around 12 hours later. I recovered really quickly and I shall be having a planned section again :D xxx
Thank you ladies! In definitely going to speak to my OB doc when I see her.
My C-section was much easier than I expected but I know everyone has different experiences. Just immense pressure while they try to pull the baby out. I ended up shaking so uncontrollably while they were stitching me up so they did have to give me Demerol to calm down, but after a few hours I felt back to normal. I was up and walking around within maybe a day and a half and as long as I took my pain meds I felt fine. I didn't need pain meds after about a week and a half. I'd say I was fully recovered in a few weeks although still to this day my incision scar gets sore every now and then, especially when my pants rub on it. I will be opting for another C-section with this next baby as well.
Had e c section in February after failed induction and fetal distress , I have to say it was 1,0000 times better than I ever imagined . The hardest part was not being able to drive . I was home in 3 days and had no pain ans no problems at all . If I am blessed enough to fall pregnant again I will definetly look at planned c section .

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