Hi hun,
I have just noticed on your signature that you have a 6 month old baby......well that is reason enough to have the type of periods you are explaining!! It can take a long time after birth for your body to regulate itself again.
I have been going thru hell with my monthly's since I had Alfie 10 months ago, I have had periods sooo heavy I have not been able to go out, as on 2 occassions I had very embarrassing accidents, I have bled anything from 2 days - 30 days, I have also had extra light periods where I may as well have not bothered using anything.
I have been to my GP (who specialises in ante-natal) and have been told that this is perfectly normal, so why are they not taking the birth of your 6 month old baby into account here?
It doesn't make sense, it sounds like they may be causing you unecessary worry!
Oh man that really must be putting you down I would hate that. Sorry to hear about that. I went right back to normal periods after I had her. I only breast fed for 6 weeks she wasn't gaining enough at that time & I got to hot with the weather so I gave up.
So, the reason there doing these tests is to see what is going on. Since I'm so regular never irragular there very concerned. Thank god I got in right away. I didn't have an appoinment till Jan 3rd at first just for a HPV check up to make sure I havn't had an out break. But, they said that there was no out break of that that goodness.
But, I now get to see the DR stat tomorrow because there very concerned.
So, either my bodys changing from having all the kids close together or something else is going on. Whatever it is I hope its nothing big. Maybe I didn't ovulate and just having a new cycle after having a normal period 1 week ago.
So thats why I'm seeing the Dr.
Sorry if there was some confusion at all...
I'm a new patient.
She may not be taking that I have a 6 month old baby because I have not seen her yet but she knows I have 2 kids and ones 6 months old.
I only saw a nurse today that did my blood work and faxed stuff over to the midwife while she was off work.
They want to do the u/s to see if theres a tumor, or if I have a cyst and to see if theres any abnormal tissues or scar tissuing (endo).
Just depends how the blood work comes back as and what the Midwife decides.