Hi everyone! I'm new to the babyandbump fourms. My husband and I are TTC our first child. We've been not preventing, but not trying for about 9 months, but we have recently started trying in the past 3 months. This cycle I bought some OPK's to see if it helps us conceive. Well, I started testing on C10 and got a positive on C14. It's been 6 days and I have tested every day since then and I have gotten positives on all of my tests. I've been using the Answer test strips and I heard that they are really sensitive, so today I bought a different brand and it still says it's positive. Also, I know how to read the tests correctly and they have definitely been positive because the test lines have been a lot darker than the control line. My husband and I have been BDing every night since I got a positive. So, is it normal to have an LH surge for this long? I thought that the longest they are supposed to last is 2 days. What could it mean? I've recently been checked by my OB/GYN for anything abnormal and she said that everything is looking good, so I don't think that I could have ovarian cysts or PCOS...but I guess you never really know. Anyway, please give me some opinions, stories, or answers! Thank you so much!