I am in the U.S., I have been meeting with my lawyer since I was 2 mths pregnant - he cannot take your child, but he could possibly force you into joint custody, 50/50 (judges modernly are really pushing for fathers' rights, at the cost of the mothers' in my opinion). Even if you breastfeed, there are extreme judges who will say you have to pump or switch to formula - especially if you'll be using daycare (baby will already get a bottle). Also, you would have court costs to deal with, which are outrageous. You were thinking about moving, right? If you move now he cannot do this, at most he would have visitation and being so far, would 99% chance have to do the traveling himself. I am lucky that my FOB and I are getting along (for now), but if we weren't I would really regret not moving while I was pregnant.