I am married to the most amazing person ever. Story book stuff
. Long story short we have been married for five years, ttc since day one and also had one failed ICSI cycle in our second year of marriage, he has low count, and all the m's are extremely low. After ICSI (14 follies) our specialist advised that we use donor sperm. I know its a chance to have a 'complete' family and he would be an amazing dad to the child but I just cannot get used to the idea! I am afraid that I will obsess too much over the thought that it is not his biological child and mess up the experience and the innocent child's life as I am beginning to do to our marriage.
The confusion as to whether donor sperm is the answer is turning me into a monster. My biggest fear is that the child will be unhappy and blame me as well as other peoples judgements.
Any advice on how to cope and make the right decision. All opinions, positive or negative will be welcomed.

The confusion as to whether donor sperm is the answer is turning me into a monster. My biggest fear is that the child will be unhappy and blame me as well as other peoples judgements.
Any advice on how to cope and make the right decision. All opinions, positive or negative will be welcomed.