Hi Hunni, just read your birth story....
Your little fella is only a week and a half old, bless
When my son was a week and a half old, I was re-admitted to the hospital with heart problems and exhaustion (I actually have a follow up with the cardiologist today). That was crap.
At that time, I exclusively BF my son. He was born large, and was so hungry all of the time, and cried so much. It was also a forceps delivery, and I think he was traumatised from that slightly. Not a pleasant way to be born I'm sure!
Anyways, I'm not a doctor, but I think the feelins of sadness and despair (and feeling like he would be better off with someone other than you) could be the fact that having a baby is a HUGE shock to the system and no one can prepare you for the reality of it all. I eventually had to start combination feeding my son, as I wasn't producing enough milk.....after a month of struggling, I switched to exclusively formula feeding. I'm not saying you do the same, but after the initial guilt of my body not doing what it was designed to (both in birth, and in producing milk) I felt so much better knowing that my husband could get up with our son and I could get some sleep.
Congratulations on going to college! I am in my final year at university this year, writing my dissertation, cacking myself really! But I'm sure you are a strong woman, and you do just fine!
Take your mom's help sweetie. I wish my mom were here. She lives in the states but I'm over here in the UK. First off, you are YOU, you may be his mum, but you have to take care of yourself in order to take care of him. I felt EXACTLY the same...I would wake with every ruffle he would make...I didn't have more than 3 hours of consecutive sleep for at least a month. That contributes to how you are feeling. Someone on here posted how their midwives explained it like this - humans are designed to be pack animals...meaning not one female would take care of her baby, but all of the females in the group would share the responsibility of taking care of the child....but after the birth so often we are left all alone, and it can be incredibly isolating and sometimes irrational thoughts enter our minds, like he would be better off somewhere else. Rubbish, you are a brilliant mum, just the fact that you posted this shows you care and love him
(remember the saying: It takes a village to raise a child)
I promise, it will get so much easier, especially when your son starts to sleep longer at night. I was in exactly the same situation as you, I was thinking how I may have made a huge mistake, although I love my son with all of my being and I would take a bullet for him this second. My son now wakes only once a night and I feel like I have been reborn! I have a distinct memory of being in the hospital with my heart issue, watching something on tv about people out on the beach jetskiing, and crying, thinking, 'I will never feel this free and well again!' You will though
Promise us you will take help from your mum, take a warm bath and get some sleep. You won't be a worse mum for it xxx