Car seat switch?


Proud Mommy to Alexander
May 12, 2014
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So my 8 month old son is currently still using this car seat by Britax Römer that goes from 0-13 kg (0-12/15 months):

My DH bought a car seat from one of his colleagues that seems to be in very good condition but was used by 1 child, also a Britax Römer that goes from 9 -18 kg (9 months - 4 years):

We're debating if it's even safe to use as we've now been reading about car seats should be facing backwards until baby is 15 months old and the car seat we've bought from the colleague is only forward facing:wacko: If it's ok to use, when would everyone recommend we start using it? We feel like he can't be in his current car seat anymore (the backwards facing one that goes from 0-13 kg) as it's like there isn't room for his legs and they bent a bit now when he sits in it.

Btw my son isn't able to sit up unassisted yet as I'm letting him develop his skills naturally. He weighs about 10.4 kg and is 71 cm long.

If you can be sure that the seat you bought from DH's colleague has never been in an accident and has been properly looked after and is not too old then it is perfectly safe to use. BUT not yet. Alexander is still so little that he needs to rearface for his own safety, especially when he will still fit height wise and weight wise in his current seat. It is a common misconception that the child is uncomfortable when their legs are bent. It really isn't. If you google extended rear facing there is a lot of good information out there.

I plan on rear facing DD until at least 2. We have the Britax dualfix. I 'gave in' to my DH's demands to forward face our son at 16 months old so I'm determined to reach at least 2 years with DD.
It is safest for a child to be rear facing until at least 2 years old, prior to this age their little necks aren't strong enough to withstand the whiplash if you were to get into an accident. Honestly I wouldn't bother with the seat that your husband purchased, I would get a convertible seat that can be used both rear and forward facing. We just took my 18 month old out of her infant seat and got her a convertible that is installed rear facing and we will switch it around to forward facing when the time comes and it will last her until she is 65 lbs. It's normal and harmless for their legs to bend a bit in the rear facing seat so don't worry too much about that, if you take him out of the infant seat and get a convertible seat he will have more leg room even with the seat rear facing.
The issue is now DH payed $150 for the seat his colleague had and is semi-adamant about using it "because (he) spent money on it":nope: He's the only one with a job so he feels we almost can't afford to buy another one, especially as car seats that can face both ways cost at least $400 in this country. He's also unsure if a car seat that can face both ways would fit in our car. We have a Renault Clio IV btw.
No way I would forward face an under two year old. I would sell both of your seats and get something more appropriate.

There are so many good options out there these days, no need to have such low limit seats.
The issue is now DH payed $150 for the seat his colleague had and is semi-adamant about using it "because (he) spent money on it":nope: He's the only one with a job so he feels we almost can't afford to buy another one, especially as car seats that can face both ways cost at least $400 in this country. He's also unsure if a car seat that can face both ways would fit in our car. We have a Renault Clio IV btw.

I guess you guys are just going to have to decide if saving a few hundred dollars is worth risking your son's safety and possibly his life. We are quite frugal so I understand wanting to use the seat after spending money on it, but when it comes to car seat safety I absolutely would not risk it in the interest of saving some money. You can sell both seats and use the money from those to put towards a more appropriate seat for your son and then you won't be spending as much money.
Ok the only thing is we can't sell that first one (the one that goes from birth-12/15 months old) as DH's little brother and his girlfriend are expecting and her EDD is January 8th and we told them they could get (technically borrow) it and we'd get it to them at latest by New Years. So we can only sell the one my DH bought from his colleague.

I think we bought the first one because it was on sale and figured we could just buy another one later on. We had no idea about car seats and didn't do much research other than we knew baby would need to be rear facing at first although we didn't know exactly for how long. DH bought that 2nd one though without asking me or looking into things first:dohh:

I think I'm starting to convince him though that we need to look into buying another one although he isn't very happy about it.
No, I'd never use a secondhand car seat. It's not recommended and you never know what's happened to it or how old it is (if it's expired). I would sell it on and expect you'll lose some money on it.

Personally, we stay in car seats to the maximum weight is reached. My daughter is rear facing and she's 4.5. Her seat goes up to 18kg rear facing and she's staying that way until she gets to 18 kg. She's 16.5 kg now. It will likely still be awhile before your son maxes out his current seat.

Ideally, rear facing is safest til 4, but I would definitely keep him in his current seat until the last possible moment if you do want to go forward facing. As others have said, I wouldn't worry about his legs. It's perfectly safe that they're bent (better them than his spine in a bad crash). Mine has had her legs bent in her seat for years and is perfectly comfortable. I think it's probably more comfortable than them just dangling unsupported actually.

Also if it helps, we bought our ERF with birthday money. We got it just after her first birthday with money we would have spent on more presents and also money from grandparents for her savings (and got her just one gift from us). We figured a safe car seat she would use for years (it converts to a high back booster as well) was a better thing to spend money on than more presents.
I'm that paranoid that I will NOT buy a second hand car seat I don't know the history of. In the case of Alexander's seat, I did but that's because it belonged to my sister and I know how anal she is about quality seats and safety. And I only got it because she's got serious OCD issues and wanted a Britax Frontier as she's got one for my 4 year old nephew. I would honestly do away with the Britax and go with the Diono RXT. It's aluminum framed so it's heavy but the safety features and the padding wins out against weight. It's also one of the slimmest seats on the market. I can fit it in my 93 Ford Laser and still fit my other 2 boys in the back - and DS1 is a pudgy 60kg.

It is recommended that ALL children uder 3 rear face and research has shown they are 400 times (if I remember correctly) to survive a serious motor accident as a result. But that statistic goes hand in hand with not only a good quality seat, but a properly installed seat. Not being able to extend their legs rear facing doesn't seem to be a concern as kids will always find a way that is comfortable to them. My niece is 2, rear facing and sticks her little legs up against the seat. Alexander will be rear facing until 3 and will remain rear facing for as long as possible after that if I can get away with it.

Given, even second hand (less than 2 years old) it cost me a fortune. And they are not cheap even brand new but it is an investment I am so glad I made. This little one will be going into a Diono at around a year old but for now I will go with the Safety 1st capsule. If I knew how to upload a photo I would add one to show how well Alexander fits the Diono. It really is the best money I have spent.
Ugh DH is adamant about the Britax he bought being legal according to the laws here:growlmad: Also that his colleague used it for his child so how bad can it be? They btw do still sell those car seats in this country. I've now threatened to smash it when I next have a few hours alone if need be. I think he's now coming around a bit but says we can't afford to buy a new one until closer to December. He wanted to wait on either the house of his recently deceased grandmother selling or he gets his share of the inheritance but I told him we may not be able to wait that long. So definitely won't be able to get a new one until around December preferably.

As for the Diono they don't seem to sell those in this country:shrug: I found only one that I can order but it's the Diono Monterey, don't know if it's any good??? They don't seem to have any more left though so guess it doesn't matter:shrug:

In Denmark they seem to sell almost only Britax Römer, Cybex, Maxi Cosi and Be Safe if anyone wants to recommend a car seat.
No no no, do not let Alexander forward face yet. Amari still fits in her infant bucket which is 30lbs or 30 inches. We haven't gotten a convertible yet but we are probably going with a graco my ride 65. They are much safer rearfacing until at least two many can go farther it depends on the seat though.
We haven't gotten a convertible yet but we are probably going with a graco my ride 65.

Tried a search to see if they have those here and it doesn't look like it. Here's my search on Graco:

There aren't the huge option in Denmark with car seats as there is in e.g. the US:nope: The major brands are the ones I listed in my previous post.
Rear facing is so much safer it would be better to keep your baby in their infant one as long as possible. A child outgrows a rf seat at the weight limit or when their head is level with the top of the seat. Obviously check the manual too.

Legs being bent isn't a big issue, I rf my 91st centile for height LG until she was 2.5. Yes her legs were bent but she sits like that on the floor and she was old enough to say by then if it was uncomfortable. Maybe get seat protectors though once they start walking dirty feet mark the seats.

Skimming through the replies the new seat seems fine, but for when you are ready to move on. Britax is one of the safest makes.
Ugh DH is adamant about the Britax he bought being legal according to the laws here:growlmad: Also that his colleague used it for his child so how bad can it be?

It's not that the seat is bad, it's that your child isn't old enough to forward face. I'm assuming your husband's colleague was never in a car accident with the seat so of course it appears that the seat is safe even if the colleague forward faced with a child that was too young.
No, I'd never use a secondhand car seat. It's not recommended and you never know what's happened to it or how old it is (if it's expired). I would sell it on and expect you'll lose some money on it.

Personally, we stay in car seats to the maximum weight is reached. My daughter is rear facing and she's 4.5. Her seat goes up to 18kg rear facing and she's staying that way until she gets to 18 kg. She's 16.5 kg now. It will likely still be awhile before your son maxes out his current seat.

Ideally, rear facing is safest til 4, but I would definitely keep him in his current seat until the last possible moment if you do want to go forward facing. As others have said, I wouldn't worry about his legs. It's perfectly safe that they're bent (better them than his spine in a bad crash). Mine has had her legs bent in her seat for years and is perfectly comfortable. I think it's probably more comfortable than them just dangling unsupported actually.

Also if it helps, we bought our ERF with birthday money. We got it just after her first birthday with money we would have spent on more presents and also money from grandparents for her savings (and got her just one gift from us). We figured a safe car seat she would use for years (it converts to a high back booster as well) was a better thing to spend money on than more presents.

You can tell how old a seat is, they have indicators. Usually dials, sometimes a grid with dots or a sticker saying "do not use after.... ".
What an awful situation. I HATE feeling like I wasted money on things. It makes me feel so, so terrible. That being said, I started decluttering my home and found hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars' worth of things I'd bought and never even USED. I felt so guilty for spending that much money on things I ended up donating or selling second hand for HALF of what I spent on it or, worse, throwing away! I had to change my mindset. For me, it worked. I don't feel so guilty about wasted money, and my OH and I both have an "allowance" every month and consult one another on most purchases, although we don't HAVE to since we're using our allowances.

That might stop this kind of thing from happening in the future. That being said, I keep all of my kids rear faced until they're 3 years old. 2 is the MINIMUM legal age to turn a child to a front-facing carseat where I live. Do you have consignment shops where you live? You might be able to consign it and get back all, if not most, of your money.
jess yes but DH was starting to go into how the seat is up to standards with the law here so since it's legal to use then we must be able to use it. I think he just wanted to feel like he wasn't wrong entirely with the purchase:nope:

xdxxtx DH and I already do that. I'm unfortunately unemployed so DH puts some money in on my account every month and I can pretty much spend it on what I want. He tries to keep himself within the same monetary limit as the amount he gives me. I think if we consulted each other on everything we want to buy for ourselves with the allowance we'd not get to buy very much as we don't always have the same taste in stuff (music, hobbies ect.). But I think he saw the car seat as a joint purchase and not directly a purchase for himself as it's something for our son.

Anyway I don't think there are many stores that sell used stuff like this. The only thing we can try is selling it over an internet site for people that want to sell used stuff and see if anyone shows interest. But if not we may be stuck with it:shrug:

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