Not the same but we also began the process of moving around the time we needed to be applying for our older daughter. We were trying to change towns but there was a problem with some of the documentation we used to obtain a mortgage so the process took much longer than expected and as a result, we missed the deadline (didn't know if we would even be able to move or if it would all just fall through).
We did end up securing the house in the end and had to make a late application.
As it happened, we ended up deferring her for a year anyway, so even though we were too late to get a place at the school we wanted (which is about twenty seconds' walk from the back gate of our new house), it didn't matter. We have reapplied and gone through the process again, and will hear in April whether or not she has a place there.
It was very stressful and upsetting at the time. I rang the local council and emailed back and forth with the admissions office to ask for advice. I would urge you to do the same. I also spoke to and visited the schools we were planning to apply to, to sort of 'make ourselves known' as it were.
I know there is an option (on the paper application form at least) to enter your new address if you are planning to move.
I'd ring whoever you can and ask what you can do about this. They're usually very happy to help.