

TTC #2
Jun 10, 2008
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Well the "cold" I had for four weeks straight wasnt a cold. I went back to my GP and he said its obviously an allergy to the cats, as I live with two. Ive been saying this for a while to OH anyway saying that its their fur that aggravates my "cold" but he never listened to me and still let them in the bedroom and sleep on our bed! So now Im on Anti-Histimines (sp?) and Ive made a RULE that the cats have to be kept out of our bedroom at all times, which means making sure the bedroom door is shut at all times. He huffs and puffs about this but Im not risking being that ill again, I just cant do it. But anyway as annoying as our cats are, they can open the bedroom door themselves (because it just pushes open) and this drives me f***ing crazy as they get under the bed and I have to spend 10 mins on my hands and knees trying to get them out... which means I have to touch them and that they are near me.

So... Im writing this because this has just happened.. again!! And I was just getting well again. When I finally got the annoying cats out of the room I washed my hands straight away and took my Anti-Histimines.
Do you think I will be ok??
I just really cant risk getting as ill as I was again :hissy:

And anyone got any tips as of how to keep them out of the bedroom and what else to do?? Cuz obviously their fur is around the house and I need to avoid it!
Any suggestions???
Grrr!! Just text OH to say maybe we shud get a lock on the door to stop them opening it and he just said "bit extreme isnt it".
Did he not see how ill i was for 4 weeks?!

How inconsiderate! Sounds like something my other half would say. Personally, I would get rid of the cats if they were making me that ill, but if your OH thinks putting a lock on the door is extreme, then he definitely wouldn't agree to that. I don't know how you can avoid coming into contact with cat fur if they're living in the same house as you, unless you become obsessed with vacuuming and washing your hands, and you can keep the cats outside as much as possible. I hope you find a solution, allergies are miserable x
My DH changed the handles on our doors so the naughty cat couldn't open it anymore. He put in round handles. We did it because my cat would bite our toes in the night. Also my DH has a slight allergy to cats (but he had one too), so every few months we would steam clean the carpets and this really helps. Hoovering regularly helps too.
Not very nice of him to be so unsympathetic. If you can't change the handles/locks yourself, do you have a family member who could come over and help?
Yep I would just change the handle from a sprung pushy bit (if you know what I mean!) to a proper latch where the handle needs to turn to open it. Hope you feel ok this time.
Do they go outside in the day? You can leave them out all day and definitely get the handle fixed on the bedroom door to a twisty one. Steam cleaning carpets is a great idea and I have one of those hoover with a HEPA filter thats especially for pet hair. It might help you, it gets loads of fur out of the floors and carpets. OH can pay for a cleaner to come and hoover for you!! In the meantime cut some lemons in half and rub them on the bottom of your bedroom door/bed etc. Then leave them in the room on the floor. They HATE citrus and might just bugger off somewhere else.
I have 3 cats and we just shut the bedroom door and lounge door. They are allowed in, if we let them!
Try wiping your bedroom door down with lemon juice (the stuff youd put on pancakes)... Cat's despise the smell of lemon juice and will turn their noses up at it.

I did this with ours when she was scratching walls and she wont go near them since.
I think I must have this. I have two cats and have never been allergic but for the past two or three weeks have been sneezing constantly. I thought it was a cold but it cant be for this long. I lay down at night and my nose just starts streaming.
We've started only allowing them in certain areas and not in the bedroom but I still get the funny nose at night. Weirdly, I can go near them in the day no probs... Weird!
Hope you manage to close them out.
Mine are buggers too and wait til I open the bedroom door then STORM me SAS-styleee and run thru my legs and under the bed... Evil critters...
Haha :) Your replies have made me giggle, thanks girls.
I try to leave them outside as much as I can in the daytime but they get picked on by the bigger cats in the area and as much as our cats annoy the hell out of me I dont wanna be cruel and watch them being beaten up! lol.
I spoke to my MIL (as its her house) and she said we will try change the handle this weekend to one that has to be turned to open the door or if we cant do that we can put little locks on it.
I always wondered why cats ran away when I eat an orange! lol

Thank you very much for all your suggestions, I really appreciate it

Oh and about the hoovering.. MIL does the hoovering (as it hurts my back way to much) but theres constantly cat fur all over the carpet. They have quite long fur and they play fight with eachother and chase eachother all around so theres fur everywhere lol xx
I have the same problem! (not expecting tho) I take hayfever relief tablets as well which work but I do have to take them all the time.......:blush:

steam cleaning works

have you tried satnding out the bedroom and shaking a box of treats? mine come running! I give them the treats and run into the bedroom! for the first few nights they did cry outside but soon got used to it, id just put something against the door like a washing basket they will soon learn!

mine used to bite my toes as well! lol
I have the same problem! (not expecting tho) I take hayfever relief tablets as well which work but I do have to take them all the time.......:blush:

steam cleaning works

have you tried satnding out the bedroom and shaking a box of treats? mine come running! I give them the treats and run into the bedroom! for the first few nights they did cry outside but soon got used to it, id just put something against the door like a washing basket they will soon learn!

mine used to bite my toes as well! lol

Yeah im gonna try doing that - shaking their biscuit box or jingle the keys to the back door they always come running when they hear it. I have been putting something behind the door some mornings but its when Im asleep and OH has gone to work and sometimes I dont wake up to put something there

Just seen this thread - i suffer badly with allergies but my two cats have no affect on mine
i know there is a wipe or something you can use on the cats fur to reduce their dander (its a thing similar to dandruff - what most people are allergic too) - i will ask my cat buddies for the name of it.
Found it - you can apply 'petal cleanse' on to your pets it's totally safe and reduces the level of allergens the animals release into the environment.
Just seen this thread - i suffer badly with allergies but my two cats have no affect on mine
i know there is a wipe or something you can use on the cats fur to reduce their dander (its a thing similar to dandruff - what most people are allergic too) - i will ask my cat buddies for the name of it.

Yeah my doctor told me a few years ago that I had an allergry to cats but I lived with 2 and they didnt affect me. I only figured it was cats I was allergic to when I went to the Cattery where our cats were being looked after whilst we went on holdiay. So when I was in the Cattery I did not stop sneezing and my eyes were watering and went a little swollen. Its funny how your own cats dont affect you. But my GP said with being pregnant allergies can develop or get worse.

my allergies were there before the cats came into my life :p
Hopefully your allergies will settle down once baby is born! I am really allergic to cats too - I just have to walk into a house that has them and my chest tightens and I start to wheeze, sneeze and scratch! Personally, I'd get rid of them (that's probably really extreme - I'm sorry!). I don't think putting a lock on your door is that bad to suggest either! Good luck xx
Hopefully your allergies will settle down once baby is born! I am really allergic to cats too - I just have to walk into a house that has them and my chest tightens and I start to wheeze, sneeze and scratch! Personally, I'd get rid of them (that's probably really extreme - I'm sorry!). I don't think putting a lock on your door is that bad to suggest either! Good luck xx

aww! poor you!

Well clearly the cats mean more than me lol


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