I'm starting to think pco is for thin people. I am just above the cut off for normal bmi, last I checked it was 19 or 19.5. Don't know if it's hard for me to gain weight as I've never tried, but I have also never tried not to gain it and haven't watched what I eat in the past. I'm the same, I get a period and ovulate every month but I also have irregular cycles, anywhere from 27 to 32 days. And I ovulate anywhere from day 13-20, although usually on the later end of it, if on a natural cycle; it's been a little sooner while on clomid, and this month was cd 13. I don't have excess body hair either but I'm blond with fair skin. The only thing I have is the 'string of pearls' in both ovaries, which the doc said can screw with egg development and that is most likely the problem, hence the clomid. I found another girl in here with pco and she's the same as us.