Hi ladies!
I am 10 months PP, still breastfeeding and my periods are mostly regular but I am definitely not ovulating every cycle. Today I’ve had SO much cramping but no sign of period (due any time around now I think, not exactly sure on ov date as we’re not actively trying) so I decided to take a test at work which is 25ml/u. I was pushed for time but thought I could see a shadow forming and chucked the test in my bag. I’ve gone back to it a couple of hours later and this is what I’ve found. I’m part shocked but mostly ‘that can’t be a real positive’.
Any input ladies? X

I am 10 months PP, still breastfeeding and my periods are mostly regular but I am definitely not ovulating every cycle. Today I’ve had SO much cramping but no sign of period (due any time around now I think, not exactly sure on ov date as we’re not actively trying) so I decided to take a test at work which is 25ml/u. I was pushed for time but thought I could see a shadow forming and chucked the test in my bag. I’ve gone back to it a couple of hours later and this is what I’ve found. I’m part shocked but mostly ‘that can’t be a real positive’.
Any input ladies? X