Last January (2013) I lost my left tube to an ectopic pregnancy. I have had fairly regular periods since then. My bf and I aren't actively trying to conceive but are also not doing anything to prevent it either. I would welcome a pregnancy with open arms at this point. I have taken 2 digital tests so far, both with a BFN. I took one when I was 5 days late and the other at 7. A friend of mine is coming by today with a spare FRER she has. I want to get a blood test, but my car is broken right now and I have no way to get to the doctor. Should I take the test tonight when she brings it over or should I wait until tomorrow morning? Does fmu matter at this point? I am really starting to get anxious because of my past losses. The ectopic was number 4 for me. The others were early losses. I had the ectopic and 1 mc with my current boyfriend, within a year of one another. I don't think I could go through that again. I am so nervous and really am hoping for that bfp! Wish me luck!