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Change Of Wedding Plans...

Mummy May

Mummy of 2
May 2, 2012
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Has anyone completely changed their wedding? We have a lovely wedding planned for Feb but to cut a long story short my SIL has interfered and its ruined it for me and I've had enough and just want to run away and marry my OH without hassle. Anyone any advice xx
Run away and do it!!! My ideal wedding would be me and OH in Vegas!! I hate the idea of being centre if attention and all the hassle, I just want to be married! My mum would hate me haha.
Do it how you wanna do it, I want a small wedding pretty much just me and oh when the time comes.. People obviously have opinion and wanna be there but your not getting married for them your getting married for you! :)
When we got married I was forced to invite people I didn't want to. In the end thy weren't able to come anyway so we had a lot of upset over nothing. SIL has never really forgiven me for it.
You have to have the wedding you want. After all it's your day. If you want to run off to Vegas then do it. Sure you may upset some people but they'll get over it.
Talk to your fiancé and work out a plan between the two of you.
:hugs: weddings are so damn stressful
The main issue is that she has been so mosey as to go for coffee at our venue and discuss our wedding room with them (its not built yet) I heard this from the venue but she's basically making the whole family believe her and telling us the manager of our venue is lying. We want her to apologise for it but it doesn't look likely. If she doesn't then I don't want her there xx
I agree with the others, go and do it and forget everyone else, tell everyone once you have done it, yeah it may upset them but they have no choice but to get over it !
Depends really, I've read your journal and it sounds like your heart was truly set on this special day, so dont change unless a small wedding is absolutely what you want and not something you will regret in the long term x
Depends really, I've read your journal and it sounds like your heart was truly set on this special day, so dont change unless a small wedding isn't absolutely what you want and not something you will regret in the long term x

I have gotten right into my little wedding, but originally I wanted to elope and oh said no haha. I'm going to have a few days to think on it. Xx
sorry she has ruined it for you :( I agree with tasha, don't do anything you might regret. and don't let her win! :hugs:
Good, do think long and hard about it. Rash decisions when you are angry or upset aren't a good idea.
I loved my wedding day but there are still times when a part of me wishes that we'd just eloped a few months after we'd got engaged, especially as we live miles away from either family and could so easily have just got it done quietly with a few close friends and done away with all the family pressures and hassles that came both during the planning phase and on the day itself! Almost every decision I made was a battle and I compromised so much right down to choosing a date that was convenient for families and not the date I wanted! In the end we just went to the registrar and booked and told people the date afterwards!

At the end of the day though you both have to be comfortable with whatever decisions you make and do what makes you happy! If you think you'll have any regrets about the way you decide to do things then it's probably not going to be right for you!

Beca :wave:
:hugs: Putting everyone else aside, do you think you'd regret not going through with your planned wedding? I know how much work you've put in to it. If not, then go for it! But if you feel you'd majorly regret missing the opportunity and wasting time/money then stick with the wedding you have planned. What did your SIL do?
You have to do what you want to do, I'm another one who knows all the planning you've done and I know what it means to you! If SIL wasn't there would you still want to do the wedding how you are? How does your OH feel about his sister ?
Yeah if she wasn't there I would still want it. Basically she went off to our venue or coffee and was discussing our wedding room with the manager and then the manager told me about it. She won't apologise for interfering and she's basically told the whole family that were just being nasty and that we're lying (along with the hotel manager) and everyone somehow believes what she is saying! I even want to cancel my hen do because I ont want her there. I still feel the same okay, I feel anxious and sick and cannot quite believe how she has managed to turn this around on us! I'm not going to do anything yet though. Xx
Have you told her you don't want her there unless she apologises, it might force her to admit the truth? I agree with not being too rash about it, it definitely deserves a long hard think about. I know there are times when FIL is being picky about stuff that I just think let's just go away and do it but once I calm down I know that I'd regret not having a wedding like I am having. But at the end of the day it's up to you. My sister changed her plans the opposite way. They had planned on going to get married in Malta just them and a couple of friends. But then my Grandma and some aunties and uncles threw a fit and called her selfish and really upset her so she had her wedding here instead. She loved her wedding and she had a brilliant time but I know there are still times when she regrets not just putting up with it and going abroad anyway x
No I haven't, but I'm not going to tell her anything because it will make things worse so OH needs to do that. Were going to talk about it tonight but I'm going to give it a good couple of weeks before I do anything rash. All we want to do is get married, I've no idea why people want to interfere/spoil it for us. Xx
I'm going to go against the grain here and say a couple of things... your SIL sounds nosy yes but from what you've said here not malicious. She had no business going to your hotel and discussing your wedding but what harm has it really done? My in-laws did similar. Just pure business and annoying as it spoil led little s u rprises also made people think they were helping financial y which they weren't. Also in my experience weddings are NOT just about the bride and groom. Family does come into it. Obviously my experience might be different from yours e.g. we had no kids and my parents paid for the wedding so I did have a lit of stuff that I
Didn't want but that's just the way it goes sometimes. I haven't read your other p posts but from this thread I wouldn't go changing my plans.
Yes all of what you say is right, except she has totally denied that she has mentioned our wedding to them and is making out to the entire family that were just nasty and lying about her. And they all believe her to the point where MIL had a go at us yesterday aying we have it all wrong. This is a big deal to us - we haven't told any of them any of our plans because we don't want them to know until the actual day. To be called a liar by half of OH's family is quite upsetting and she has caused all this hence not wanting her there. Xx
you need to do what makes you and your OH happy hun, screw what anyone else wants or thinks!

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