I have posted in the baby section about my little girl and how she doesn't settle at all after a bath and wont feed at all after her bath also.
Basically, shortly after she was born we worked out that she was suffering from colic. We changed from Aptamil to Aptamil easy digest and the problem was much better, I think she might still have a tiny bit of colic still tho, hence when it's bedtime - screaming.
Anyway, she's been on the aptamil comfort for a few weeks now and then two days ago she had four really really runny poo nappies in one day. I have now switched her back to normal aptamil as I wondered if she was digesting the comfort stuff too quickly...? Someone else has suggested trying her on a completely different milk tho to see if she'll settle better. I'm just worried about it upsetting her further...
Has anyone changed milks and if so did you experience positive or negative effects and what milk do you use?
I have posted in the baby section about my little girl and how she doesn't settle at all after a bath and wont feed at all after her bath also.
Basically, shortly after she was born we worked out that she was suffering from colic. We changed from Aptamil to Aptamil easy digest and the problem was much better, I think she might still have a tiny bit of colic still tho, hence when it's bedtime - screaming.
Anyway, she's been on the aptamil comfort for a few weeks now and then two days ago she had four really really runny poo nappies in one day. I have now switched her back to normal aptamil as I wondered if she was digesting the comfort stuff too quickly...? Someone else has suggested trying her on a completely different milk tho to see if she'll settle better. I'm just worried about it upsetting her further...
Has anyone changed milks and if so did you experience positive or negative effects and what milk do you use?