Chart Readers! Please analyze my chart! OPKs attached, too!


Mother of 2 super kids!
Sep 13, 2008
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My ticker is the link to my chart.

I'm also attaching photos of all my OPKs so far.

It looks to me like the only day I didn't get positives was CD12.

I'm going out to get some digital OPKs today to see what kind of results those give me. I just can't fathom why I have been testing positive for almost 7 days now! :shrug:

Also, do my temps match up with my OPK results? Is it normal to only climb .08 of a degree (farenheit) per day?


  • OPKsSept272008.jpg
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  • OPKsSept302008.jpg
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Ok Im no expert but my guess is that you o-ed on cd 11 according to your temps and opks
i would say cd 11 try takin the cd 8&9 temps out see if it gives u a o thing
Thanks ladies!

Tmr1234, do you mean to just click on "discarded" next to those temps? I just tried that but it didn't give me those crosshairs or anything. :hissy:

If I did O on CD11, is it bad that CD10 is the only day besides yesterday that we didn't BD?
not bad at all, spermies can survive UP to 5 days inside so its not too bad
wow your opks are lovely and dark wish mine were or will be! its so confusing all this ttc business

good luck hun xx
So I took a digital OPK this afternoon, and it was negative! Going to take another First Response OPK tonight just to see. Please cross your fingers that I will have a temp spike, or at least a decent temp increase, sometime overnight/when I test in the morning! [-o<
I think you Od on CD 11 and if you get a spike in temps FF might put it down as you Od today but you can override it if you would like to but maybe watch for a few more days since to temp spike is not too significant yet. Keep testing and watching for EW CM just in case O started but stopped for some reason. Good luck and keep :sex: just in case. Good luck and hope you get your :bfp:
My ticker is the link to my chart.

I'm also attaching photos of all my OPKs so far.

It looks to me like the only day I didn't get positives was CD12.

I'm going out to get some digital OPKs today to see what kind of results those give me. I just can't fathom why I have been testing positive for almost 7 days now! :shrug:

Also, do my temps match up with my OPK results? Is it normal to only climb .08 of a degree (farenheit) per day?

I used the same OPKs this cycle and they are not positive. The only two days they were positive was on cd 10 and cd 11 hun.....I know its confusing but believe me the same thing happened to me. Those are by far the worst brand of OPKs.....I will never use them again. I agree with cd11 being ovulation but u could have ovulated cd12.
Maybe cd14 if you are going by temps, as that is the last one under your coverline if you discard the 2 high ones? You will know if your temp shoots up tomorrow. Also how long are you cycles?
Maybe cd14 if you are going by temps, as that is the last one under your coverline if you discard the 2 high ones? You will know if your temp shoots up tomorrow. Also how long are you cycles?

I don't think I ovulated cervix is definitely lower than it was yesterday :blush: (I can't believe I am yearning for a baby badly enough to be checking my cervix! :blush:). I have only been off the pill for just under 2 months. Cycles used to be 28-29 days, but my first true AF off the pill (not withdrawal bleed) was 29 days.

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