I recently had a sonohysterogram and was told that afterwards, it may have an effect on my hormones that can sometimes increase fertility. This is my first cycle after having had it done (and I should mention that I've lost some weight as well) but this cycle has been very odd. My typical cycle is between 38 - 40 days long with ovulation happening between days 27 - 30. But this cycle I ovulated (or so FF tells me) at day 17! Also, my temperatures seem to be doing something odd.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this before?
Could someone please take a look at my temp chart for me? I can't seem to find anything online that would kind of explain this happening or why my temps are all over the place. Any advice would be great.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this before?
Could someone please take a look at my temp chart for me? I can't seem to find anything online that would kind of explain this happening or why my temps are all over the place. Any advice would be great.