My lo is 23 months and can't put a jigsaw together, i don't think he is slow at all!
I dont think so. Amelie has a similar puzzle but one has 2 pieces, another animal has 3 pieces, then 4, 5 and 6 and shes been able to do the 6 piece one for atleast 6 months and the smaller ones for longer
Maybe coco is just slower academically?
yes but cherry was shocked cos her lo couldnt?
She didn't praise at all when her LO ate the food!!! Wah!
She didn't praise at all when her LO ate the food!!! Wah!
I think she did the right thing not praising & making a big deal of it- I never praise for eating or critiscise for not I just let him decide. I don't want food to become an attention gainer or a battle. I was really impressed with how she managed not to react.... & like Blah11 I'm rarely impressed by Cherry! I presumed that she hadn't been starved as such for 11 hours coz there was cleau juice around & I assumed she'd had milk - dunno though?
Would not want to be that teenager's mum! Horrible child!!! I know all teenagers arn't like that, are they?!!!
I like the idea of home schooling my LO)