well if one of you just filed, its not really a hearing perse. Its more of a meeting. You and FOB go and sit in a room and the parties explain their income, who will pay for what, etc.. then the court agrees and thats that. Its set up and they give you your paperwork. Theres not much to say other than this is my income and what i need included in child support payments (medical/day care) or if youre being asked to pay, you cants say much to make a difference. Just make sure to ask:
Is there a minimum I can pay? (some states have a minimum you have to pay..)
Does having other children effect my child support? (i know my state it does)
Now if its an actual hearing for not paying, then youll need a lawyer. I got a court appointed lawyer. Then youll go and FOB and you will duke it out for why the other hasnt paid. Then the judge will either say: Pay, you dont have to pay the current owed but you owe back support, or sorry- youre going to jail. I had a good lawyer and he got my current order dismissed but I had to pay back support, which came out of taxes.
A Note: ANYTHING important pertaining to custody, make sure to bring it up IF it effects support. For example my FOB doesnt even have the child he has custody of but collects support, which isnt right. Now, i didnt have exact proof of this so the judge simply said if i get proof, then hell drop my support, until then i need to pay the support.