Children and ghosts



I'm not 100% sure whether or not I believe in ghosts. I have had a lot of weird experiences but tbh, looking back a lot of them could be down to sleep paralysis, feeling 'frozen' as if someone was sitting on my chest/legs, seeing a young girl in a dirty pinafore walk right past my bedroom door (never slept with my door open from that point!) to loads of other different things which I can't explain as being down to SP but could probably have some other kind of explanation.

Anyway, I always hear about children being really susceptible to these things because they're too young to understand the concept of scepticism. My LO used to have terrible night terrors in the house we used to live in. It was a small victorian cottage set off from the road so it was always very quiet. A few times she'd wake me up in the night screaming hysterically and when I went in the built in cupboard door would be open (her cot was nowhere near it) and she would scream til I took her out of the room and she would scream again if I tried to take her back in. A few strange things happened to me in that house too but I was kind of used to it as I'd had a lot of these "experiences" in my parents house when I was younger.

Anyway, we moved and we've been in this house for two years. In the first six months or so there was a lot of banging and strange noises coming from what is my daughters room. I would hear it at night when I was in the living room which is underneath it. When I went up to see if it was her she'd be fast asleep. My friends have commented on the noises before, still do. If there's a tapping noise on the wall they look at me in a kind of "what the hell is that?" way but I just shrug it off.

Tonight I was lying with Grace on her bed when she suddenly said "Look mummy, there's a spooky" and pointed over the other side of the room. This isn't the first time she's said something like that. There is always a random cold spot next to her door when you open it and she used to sit and stare at it and point at it and one time she told my sister that her "friend" was called Megan (we don't know anyone called Megan)

So I was just wondering what people thought on this? Is it just kid's imagination? My Grace has got the most vivid imagination ever now but when she was a little younger she would still do the whole staring and pointing at that once specific spot. Or do you think that children are able to "see" things that we can't because they don't know any different?
I don't really beleive in ghosts etc..probably because I don't WANT to beleive.

BUT I must admit Liam has freaked me out a few times. He walks around pointing and looking at the hallway ceiling talking to himself. Dont think he's ever done it anywhere other than the hallway.
I heard my LO chatting away after his nap in my Dads old bedroom (My Dad passed away last year).

I walked in and asked him who he was speaking to. He said:
"Grandad, there." and pointed to the corner of the room.

Freaked the hell out of me, even if it is my own Dad! lol!
My daughter from about 3 has had this friend called Cilla (imanginary) she was with her all the time it didnt strike me odd until my mum said it could be a ghost. It got me thinking how can a 3 year old think of a girls name like Cilla? Shes not so much in the picture anymore but she has told me recentley that my nan comes into her room at night and tells her to go to sleep. So im thinking she could be sensitive to it all spooky!!

Just saw this. Freaky!

Just saw this. Freaky!

I just scrolled down and saw this comment and had to laugh :lol:

Pet poor wee man - I bet he's terrified. I hope he gets I over it and realizes when he's older that there are woman with varying hues of dark orange that he really needs to be afraid of

Just saw this. Freaky!

I just scrolled down and saw this comment and had to laugh :lol:

Pet poor wee man - I bet he's terrified. I hope he gets I over it and realizes when he's older that there are woman with varying hues of dark orange that he really needs to be afraid of

I dont remember this as i was too young but this is what my mum tells me..

I was about 3 i think, and use to talk to 'someone' in my bedroom when i was supposed to be going to sleep. My mum could hear me making noise upstairs so would come and tell me to go to sleep and i'd say "Its not me its the girl playing" Mum just thought i was being naughty and blaming an imaginary person lol. Apparently it went on for about a week, every night. And one night she asked me who this girl was and i said "Its a girl who died in a car and she has no mummy now so she plays with me" Cue my mums face --> :shock: :haha: Then my mum apparently said out loud "Please can you leave her alone so she can go to sleep at night" And it never happened again.

Make of it what you will, i dont remember it but my mum is sure that i was talking to a ghost!
I definately believe that children can see ghosts!!

Both of mine looked and smiled/laughed at the same corner of the bathroom.

Last year Emma was really ill with Chicken Pox. We'd had so many nights of her screaming it was horrible, she wouldn't let me out of her sight without screaming the place down, she came everywhere (even the toilet) with me. The kids had never woken each other up at that point either (and still don't). Once Jacob is wide awake its near high impossible to get him to settle again.

One night while OH was working nights Emma woke up and wouldn't settle, Jacob also woke up and wouldn't settle, so I took them both downstairs at 1.30am. After sitting up with them for 2 hours, I decided to see if I could get them to settle in my bed. They'd been playing and laughing and were clearly thinking of starting the day! So I took them both upstairs and put them on my bed in the hope to get them sleepy again.

After about 10 minutes of trying to settle them, Jacob saw a reflection of something in our mirror and spun round to look at the top of the window. He kept pointing saying "mummy look" and waving "hi". To say I was freaked out is an understatement.

I ended up telling him it was bed time and took him back to his room. Jacob said "bye bye" and blew kisses to our window. I really expected him to scream indefiance and refuse to go to bed, but he didn't. He just gave me a kiss and rolled over :shock:

What shocked me even more was Emma was laughing at the window when I walked back in the room and hadn't even flinched when I walked out. I was that convinced that someone was there I said "Thank you for your help" :blush:

Thats just ONE of the stories of the kids seeing the ghosts in our house!
Ooh weird! I love ghost stories even though I don't even know if I believe in them or not!
i believe in ghosts. we lived in a flat that was haunted and the ghost attached itself to zane and i no he used to see it.
it would wake zane up in the night and zane would either wake up and bable and laugh or hed scream his head off cuz he just wanted to sleep. alot of things happened in that flat! soon as we moved out, the first night zane slept thru and has done ever since.

i also thought that zane was seeing his dad, there is times he sits on the floor playing and he starts talking like hes talking to his dad. well i had a medium reading and she said uve seen zane talkng to someone while playing and that its ur oh playing with him
I was always very sceptical.

OH and I always joked we had a ghost in our kitchen, we had knocks and bangs, which was obviously the fridge and metal expanding etc etc... but we jokingly called him George. We'd never heard or mentioned 'George' again once our new kitchen was put in. Emma wasn't even born and Jacob was just over 12 months and not talking etc...

A few weeks ago Jacob started waving at my drawers in the kitchen saying bye bye. I asked him who he was saying bye to and he said George. I just kept asking George who.

He was waaay to young to remember the name, wasn't even talking when our kitchen was put in and we hadn't even mentioned the name George in over a year. (have no friends/family/pets called George)

There has been too many strange things happen for me not to believe now.

Since I told my dad the story, my great grandad who grew up next door to our house is/was called George and he died there :wacko:
Children so see more than adults, I cant remember the technical term but they are more open. I seen ghosts as a child and I know my son has already as he talks about a boy called Peter who lives upstairs. I already senced him in the room and knew he was there when WIlliam woke up to ask me who the boy was by the curtain, I did hear noise over there but never looked. Then in the morning he was checking it and looking all weird and squinting at the window again,. I have yet to find out who that boy was. I have come up with names here I didnt even know, the lady who also haunts upstairs she did come down when there was a hole in my roof. I thought she liked roses and I grow them but thats actually her name. Anyway blathering here. I am sure my son will give me some more heart attacks in the future lol
I used to believe in ghosts but I became quite sceptical when I researched into sleep paralysis. People have said I have a ghost that has attached itself to me because I have weird experiences wherever I go.

When I was younger and lived at my parents I would often get the feeling of not being able to move like someone was sitting on me, I saw that girl that I mentioned in my OP. My room would sometimes rearrange or tidy itself when there was nobody in the house, I would hear whispering at night and often hear my name being repeated over and over.

Then I moved into the cottage and Grace started having the night terrors and one night, and this is probably the weirdest thing that's happened to me, I had a dream that there was a man standing in the doorway of my bedroom, leaning wth one hand on the wall and his hands were covered in blood. The next morning as I walked out of the door I saw a handprint on the wall, it was a dark red/brown like the colour of dried blood and when I put my hand against it to see if it was mine it was much bigger than my hand :shock:

Then I moved into this house and there are always noises and things, cold spots and whatever. But I put it all down to my imagination or other explanations like SP (all except for the handprint, no idea what happened there)

But I dunno, maybe because I've convinced myself it's not real, whatever "it" was is now attached to Grace which is why she seems to be seeing and hearing all these things :/
ok now im scared lol i am petrified by ghost stories i dont know why i even opened the thread im sat on the sofa darent go upstairs and ive gone ice cold :-( lol good job we have a downstairs loo
my old house was haunted i used to have a vase on the fire place and one day it just started rocking back and forth as if someone had nudged it or something i woke up one morning to find all thie lights round the house were swithched on the tv was switched on and everything and i lived on my own so couldnt have been OH one night the fire alarm tester noise was going off every ten mins the battry was new so was to do with that and was tester tone what goes off only when you press the button :-/////
my bil always has weird spooky things happening around him. every house hes lived in weird things happen, so i believe ghosts attach to him and can draw from his energy somehow.

in my house in germany nothing ever happened then when my oh passed away my bil came to stay with me and things started to happen, a drum in my room was banged when i was the only one in there and i was in bed, a bottle moved across the floor and there was some weird bangs near the tv that wasnt working right n OH was the only one who could fix it, all of a sudden it started to work.

i could be here all day if i told u all the weird things that have happened to and around my bil its crazy
I love hearing stories like this as it strengthens my belief that their is life after death which is a comforting thought. I do think children see more than adults to x
I was in the bath a few months ago and I have one of those soap dish things attatched to the bit next to my shower and there was a razor in the middle of it, I was just minding my own business when the razor flew off the soap dish and into the water. I think something is trying to kill me!
:argh: I'm going to soooo regret reading this thread tonight :haha:

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