well my dd is 4 months old now and ive finaly got round to tell you all about my labour which was pretty straight forward so i was reall lucky. I was due on the 8th but i was fed up on the 6th so decided to have a curry and drink lots of pineapple juice, hoping and praying that it worked i went to bed to try and get an early night. i awoke at 1.30 with my waters braking as i wasnt in any pain i decided to get back into bed and just see how things went on, i drifted back off to sleep and woke up again about 4.30 with more water leakage (still no pain) so i phoned the hospital who said have a bath then be at the hospital for about 7.30 just to have a checkup. As i was taking a shower i started to get afew niggly pains so me and my dh made our way to the hospital, once we arrived the pain started to intensify so the midwife did her check and to her suprise and mine i was 8cm dilated
so off we went to the labour ward as i was so far gone all i could have was gas and air, everything moved pretty quickly after that and chloe was born at 12.09pm. So all in all i was in labour about 4 half hours which for my first is pretty good, im expecting again so next time as soon as my waters brake im off to the hospital