Cholestasis of pregnancy 34weeks


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2018
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Hi ladies!
I’m currently 34+5 today. I started to notice itching in my hands and feet last week on Monday (at 33+3) I saw my Dr last Friday (34wks) and she ordered blood work to check my bile acid levels and she called yesterday with the results. My bile acid levels were at 12.9 which she said is considered mild elevated and she started me on Urso 500 twice a day. I feel the itching is worse now but not unbearable. I will get repeat blood work Friday (35wks) and depending how my levels are they will decide how soon I will be induce.
Anybody has any experience or advise?
Im a little concern also my last pregnancy I developed preeclampsia at 31wks and had to have my son early at 32wks.
Hi hon
I had it with DD and was diognosed at 34 weeks but was not put on any medication. I also had pre eclampsia so at 35+4 I had to be induced. My bile acid levels were through the roof and so was my blood pressure.

I was diognosed again this pregnancy but much much earlier at just 17 weeks. My itching started at just 11 weeks this time.
I've been on Urso since 17 weeks and it really helped with the itching. My levels were at a 16 so a bit higher than u but just for reassurance I was told by a liver specialist consultant that 16 is very very low. Here u have to be at a 14 or more to be diognosed with ICP. So i was just over.
Since being on the Usro my itching stopped and my bile acid levels now are only slightly elevated.

Ure levels are very very low it wudnt even be classed as ICP at my specialist liver hospital
(I'm a liver transplant patient) so I really wudnt worry but just keep an eye on the itching and make sure they check ure bile acid levels regularly because they can suddenly just jump up.
I dont think they induce u unless they are very high and I've been told they can get up into the hundreds.

There is a great group on Facebook called the ICP support group and they have been so supportive and helpful as I was so so worried about being diognosed so early this time around.

Just praying my levels dont shoot up again because I'm only 25+3 so still to early to be induced. I have been told I wont be able to ho past 37 weeks but I'm not sure if that's because of my transplant and the ICP.

Just hoping I dont develop the pre eclampsia again this time.
Its good that you are already almost 35 weeks because if they had to induce you it wud be safe.
I hope this gives u some reassurance.
ICP is horrid.
Make sure u get ure levels checked again soon hun.
I have mine checked twice a month
Also keep a look out for dark urine and yellow poop.
Thanks for replying. Here levels above 10 are considered icp the itching has been worse since 2-3 days ago. My levels will be recheck on Friday. Im already having weekly NSTs since 32wks due to my severe pre-e last pregnancy. Hoping my levels stay low. Also my bp has been a little higher than normal but not too bad and headaches are getting worse. Like you said at least Im almost 35wks
Bless ya hon. I totally know how u feel as I had severe pre eclampsia last time and ICP.
I'm so glad ure getting ure levels are getting. Checked again on Friday. Hopfully ure levels haven't gone to high. I think my levels are about a 13 now but had my levels done again last week so will find out more when I see the high risk pregnancy ob/gyn on tuesday.

I feel so bad for you that ure itching again its awfull. I have scars from scratching skin so much it bled.

I've been a little itchy again but its not been intence like It was b4 taking the medication. I think it's more down to the got weather and my dry skin.

Oh hon I worried so much when I was diognosed so early and Google just freaked me out that's why i had to reach out to you.
Ure be fine hon honest they can just induce you If they get worried.
I'm so scared to develop pre eclampsia again this time. It started around 30 weeks last time and my blood pressure a few weeks ago was high but now it's back down to normol.
Keep me posted and let me know how u get on. Its nice to talk to someone else who is going through the same thing.
I'm just so glad I'm almost 26 weeks now and he has a chance of surviving but really do not want him coming any time soon.
Here if u need to to talk.
Pre-e is so scary by itself. I cannot imagine both conditions. My dr is great. She check on me all the time she will no hesitate to induce me at any point if she thinks the baby is in danger.
Im glad you are 26 weeks now. Hang in there.
With my last pregnancy my bp and headaches started around 20 weeks and I was so swollen since 20weeks too!
I was diagnosed with it with baby boy #2 at 34+6 weeks and had him at 37 weeks exactly. If you do have to be induced I would seriously go ahead and ask for the steroid injections. My doctor brushed off my worries and said because he was so big and I was so close to my due date that his lungs would be fine. They weren't and we had a few episodes of him stopping breathing and ended up in the NICU for the first 8 days. I would get them no matter what if you are more than 2 weeks early. As long as your doctors are not too worried try not to let it stress you out too bad as it can cause your blood pressure to spike and cause BH contractions. I had them so bad because of stress and anxiety that I was already at a 4 when I went in. I will keep my FX crossed that your levels won't be too bad.
Thank you! I have my apt later so I will ask. I also have horrible upper belly pain and nausea not sure if its related.
Oh yes @Cewsbaby is right. Definitely get those steroid shots I had them with DD a week b4 they induced me. She still spent 17 days in SCBU but without those shots she wud have been alot worse.
I will be having the steroid shots at around 28 weeks this time to mature his lungs. They sting like hell but they are worth it.

Yes pre eclampsia is awfull. They thought I had H.E.L.P.S syndrome which is the worst case pre eclampsia u can get. I was really unwell from 30 weeks and had alot of hospital stays. They were gonna get DD out at 32 weeks but thankfully I made it to 35+4.
Really hope i make it that far this time it's so scary
I had my apt today. As of rn induction will be around 38 but dr ordered a bunch of labs.
Acid bile levels and all the preeclampsia labs since Ive been having symptoms. Headaches, upper belly pain, stabbing pain in my shoulder blade, bad vision and of course the itching at night. So she said by Tuesday we should have results and know better when I will be induce.
I asked about the steroid shot and she said i wont need it if Im induced at 38 weeks so we will know better next week
I had my apt today. As of rn induction will be around 38 but dr ordered a bunch of labs.
Acid bile levels and all the preeclampsia labs since Ive been having symptoms. Headaches, upper belly pain, stabbing pain in my shoulder blade, bad vision and of course the itching at night. So she said by Tuesday we should have results and know better when I will be induce.
I asked about the steroid shot and she said i wont need it if Im induced at 38 weeks so we will know better next week

How did u get on sweety. I hate those steroid shots they sting so bad. Think I'll be having them around 33 weeks dreading it.
Hi hon how u getting on with baby.
My bile levels have gone up and the itching is back. :-(
You only need the steroid shots if your baby is significantly early. Full term in medicine is between 37 and 42/40 and usually none are given after 35 weeks as the lungs are as mature as they are going to get at that point. There are other reasons for breathing difficulties unrelated to maturity, but steroid won’t help these (nor will surfactant).
I just wanted to update I had my beautiful healthy baby on July 21st!

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