Christmas/New Years Birthdays?

Mild Mango

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2014
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Ok so, I'm due Dec 26th, which might as well be Christmas. It's my understanding that Christmas birthdays suck (fewer presents, everyone is broke, friends are too busy to celebrate, etc.). Now I'm starting to feel guilty about conceiving when I did and cursing him/her with a Christmas/New Year birthday.

So I'm wondering a couple things: for those of you who have Christmas/New Years birthdays (or have kids with C/NY birthdays), were there any positives? How did your family make your birthday special? Any tips you would give a mother of a Christmas/NY child?

For those of you who are expecting around Christmas/New Years, have you given any thoughts to how you would make it special for your little one as they grow older?

I know I'm probably getting ahead of myself here. The kid's not even born yet, but it's never too early to start worrying excessively about things.
I am due around December 22nd. I never wanted a Christmas baby, because I always felt bad for those who are Christmas babies. I always hear the stories of how their birthday and Christmas were all put into one celebration. No, I am not doing that. If, for some reason, my baby is born closer to Christmas, hubby and I have already decided that his/her birthday will be separate from the holiday. In my opinion, there is no reason to combine the two.
We're due December 15th. I have a cousin who's birthday is Dec 16th and my BIL is the 8th. Their parents spent just as much on their birthdays as their other children, regardless of how close it was to Christmas and we intend to do the same. And their birthday will be a different celebration than Christmas, so the gifts won't be mixed up.

It may make money tighter having a child so close to Christmas, but from what I've learned from my MIL - start shopping early in the year:haha:
This is slightly different, but my birthday is November 28th and was usually right around Thanksgiving. We always had a part of our Thanksgiving that was for my birthday and I loved it growing up. Even now, Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday because I associate it with my birthday. I also think of my birthdays as always having so much family around. My advice for you, is to find some sort of advantage of already having family together and build it into a new tradition for the birthday celebration.
I'm glad someone thinks like me. I don't know my due date yet but it's either the 23rd, 25th or 27th December. I feel really bad for the little bub already. I think we will end up having 1/2 birthdays. So basically whatever day it's born... Say the 29th Dec... So on the 29th June we will have a half birthday party... At least that way they can have a party when it won't be freezing cold... But I do live in the UK. So anything can happen weather wise. That's just my idea at the moment...

I was really cross at myself when I found out when the bub would be born, thinking I was selfish conceiving so it will be born at Xmas, but I'm just happy to be pregnant now. I just hope this one survives.
My birthday is the 21st dec and when i was a young child my parents wouldn't put up the christmas decorations until after my bday, which helped make it feel separate. If it was after christmas it would be good to take decs down before their bday.
We are due 21st December! We've talked about a mid year celebration a lot, as we live in a very wet and rural part of the country it is downright miserable!!

I love Xmas, and I'm excited to make it very special, and I will try hard to make the birthday special too, but I think in terms of parties and things it would be nice to have a time when friends can come and the weather isn't grim and attractions are open! A yearly un-birthday :D
I am not sure if I count or not but my EDD is January 5th. I am hoping it is enough time away from Christmas / New Years for it to make a difference.
My daughter was born New Years Day 2012 lol, she was due 8th Jan. This one is due mid Jan so hoping its not another nyd baby! Tbh birthdays aren't much different, i do feel bad that we can't really go out anywhere on the actual day but these things happen.
I am not sure if I count or not but my EDD is January 5th. I am hoping it is enough time away from Christmas / New Years for it to make a difference.

Hi kiwi. Your just one day behind me but my due dates the 30th December, why is yours 5th January? Are you still going by LMP date or your scan date? X
I am not sure if I count or not but my EDD is January 5th. I am hoping it is enough time away from Christmas / New Years for it to make a difference.

Hi kiwi. Your just one day behind me but my due dates the 30th December, why is yours 5th January? Are you still going by LMP date or your scan date? X

LMP, no scan yet remember Mummy? May 29th is my scan! Hehe my new avatar is playing tricks on you! :rofl:
I am not sure if I count or not but my EDD is January 5th. I am hoping it is enough time away from Christmas / New Years for it to make a difference.

Hi kiwi. Your just one day behind me but my due dates the 30th December, why is yours 5th January? Are you still going by LMP date or your scan date? X

LMP, no scan yet remember Mummy? May 29th is my scan! Hehe my new avatar is playing tricks on you! :rofl:

Oh of course! I'm all confused now :haha::blush:
Not sure if this counts but my daughter was born on the 8th jan... About two weeks after Christmas. I was worried at first because they were so close together but I found personally it was really nice! Had two celebrations to be excited for. Of course I had to budget money in a way that it can be split between Father Christmas presents and birthday presents but it worked out fine!

This baby is due 21st of December, so could be here closer to Christmas than DD1 haha .. I must be weird for conceiving Christmas babies but I'm not too worried, there will always be a way to work things out and I will always make a clear separation between Christmas/Xmas presents and birthday celebrations/birthday presents xx
IM a new years day baby & i hate it. No one has money to do anything, every thing is over priced on NYE & most people say "oh its a Christmas & birthday present"
sorry probably not what you wanted to hear lol
I'm not to worried about this at all. Think about it...sometimes it might be a little boring, but it's not like Christmas babies (now adults) wish that they weren't born because of it :p I don't think it has destroyed anyone's life :p and it's not like you can avoid birthday frustrations...I was an easter baby, and easter is not always on the same day, sometimes it's not even in the same month (it's always either in March or April). I never minded having my bday near has happened more than once my birthday being on easter day itself. My parents would celebrate it earlier that year. Of course I had little friends that couldn't go to my party because they were off to spend easter with their family that lived in the country side or something, but honestly I always loved having my birthday during school holidays :p my brother was born on the 23rd of December, and my parents were always so afraid they would be unfair with him (regarding gifts), that they would give him more presents than they would give me on my birthday, and then they would also give him presents on my birthday! My due-date is also the 26th of December, I think I'll just throw a party at a kids party venue, and it will be so cool that every kid will pressure their parents to go. And being out of the house, it will be completely separate from Christmas decorations and all :)
Thanks for starting this thread. My thoughts exactly, I've always felt sorry for ppl with Xmas birthdays. I'm due 29th Dec, although may change yet as haven't had my scsn yet. I felt really guilty with my due date at first, but have started thinking of the positives. One good thing is most ppl are off work school, so it'll be easier wget ppl together for a birthday tea party :) my sister in law was 30 at New Year and had the most amaxing masquerade ball for her birthday on NYE! Imt determined to make it separate and special, but as others said ithe child will never know any different.

My only concern is....will there be less midwives/doctors working over the Christmas period? :/ x
December is always a crazy time of year with my in laws, they have near every weekend booked with family outtings, so LO's birthday will become another weekend celebration to happen in December. I'm hoping that while our child is young they'll get excited that even though their birthday is in December, Grandma has all the best parties and adventures in the city all month long.
omg how can you not like idea of. december baby? i feel well out of sync with this baby because im due a month earlier than normal LOL.

Sadly i lost my previous baby who was due in dec too so that would have made 3.

So december in our house is like the BEST month of the year, its like none stop party/celebrates from 13th dec (my 2nd born bday)

At end of the day its what you make. You want to plan things when your older you do it in enough time to so people put money aside.

My girls get spoilt on both dates, i always get a lot in jans sales put it away - job done till oct and buy few more things.

If having birthday party worries you for that time of year many throw together a get together in the summer with a bouncey castle.

As for lack mws aeound that time deffo not, just the same.

My first born arrived on new years eve, she'll have a great 18th :D
Our first DD was born on 04/12 and our second is due on 01/01/2015.
We all love Christmas anyway and the build up is always special... it's justmore so now that we celebrate a birthday too.
We always throw a party but just give that little bit of extra notice so that people aren't booked up. I'm so excited about adding a news years birthday to our calendar too x x
Hi there,

Firstly CONGRATS!! I'm not expecting but thought I'd comment as Pheebs was born 28th Dec so smack bang in the middle of chrimbo and NY. We had a small party for her first birthday but we are having an 18 month party for all friends instead in June. I plan to carry on this 'tradition' until she is old enough to decide herself. But I figure she'll be happy having 2 'birthdays' like the queen! xxx

Good luck to you all, wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies xxx

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