Christmas trees/decs


I'm an old bag!
Sep 1, 2006
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Ok i was just wondering if we have themes with our decorations

On my tree is silver, blue and frosted white even the lights
No other colours ar allowed on it at all

So just wondered if it was me that was anal about their tree

I am also gonna get Blue and silver decs for the ceiling
i have a silver tree with blackand silver decs, no other colours aloud!!
My tree decorations are co-ordinated in colour but not the rest! :wink:
what colours?

I used to have 2 trees 1 in living room and 1 in dining room

My dining room one was all red and gold( was given it decs and all)

Now i only have room for one :(
Silver and white shimmery tinsel, silver and glass baubles! Will take a pic when we put up, most likely tonight :D

What colour are you thinking Jo? :D
Mine are always silver, blue and white

Mainly 'cos my room is blue :D

I think we shoud have a xmas tree photo thread, mine won't be up til next week i don't think, i need to move all room round and find a place for Jacks playpen :?
Erm my tree has snow at the ends which helps to have less decs! I have gold & red baubles & teddy type decs theres 8 different ones, 6 red/white candy things, white lights & a gold thing for the top of the tree :D
My decs are cream and gold. No other colours allowed in the house, usually. However ds and oh are doing the decorating this year because I'm not supposed to be stretching etc. and they like to shove up anything so I am dreading it!

God knows what I'll end up with!
Oh no Lynnie :(

You'll have to supervise
I wouldnt mind except my parents are comnig for xmas and my mum is a pefectionist. perhaps I should just let them at it and watch mum's face turn to disgust. It might be quite funny!
Hee hee be sure to catch that on camera!!!! :D
Mine are all different, I buy whatever I think looks nice :D
I just through on all my decorations. I like to remember where I got each thing or who gave them to me. :lol:
I was Trying to go with red and gol this year but Rob got distracted with shiny things and now its more silvery. But i have a gold angel :roll: so its prob just gonna be a minx of everything and i try and make it look nice :lol:
I have traditional red and gold and a real tree, I love the christmasy smell of a real tree. Its going up on sunday Im soooo excited, will be posting pictures then!
mine is all gold with white lights ooh and 1 red bauble (courtosey of chloe lol) but tht will b gettin hid wen she goes 2 bed :twisted:

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